The Witcher 3 Console Commands: How To Use

The Witcher 3 Console Commands: How To Use

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


22nd Dec 2022 15:21

You may want to learn how to use The Witcher 3 console commands so you can unlock the whole game and mess around with various aspects of it to your liking. It's common knowledge that if you release a game on PC, then players will figure out how to access the console and break the game, and The Witcher 3 is no different, giving you tonnes of commands to try out. So, if you're looking for an explainer of how to enable the console, along with a full list of The Witcher 3 console commands, we've got you covered.

  • Make sure to also check out our list of The Witcher 3 best swords, which covers the very best weapons Geralt can wield in his adventure. 

The Witcher 3 Console Commands: How To Enable

The Witcher 3 Console Commands: How To Enable The Console
Click to enlarge

Before you can start using console commands in-game, you will need to enable the console itself. It's worth mentioning that this is only available for PC users, so if you play on console, you're out of luck. Here's how to enable the console in The Witcher 3:

  1. Open up the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the folder with The Witcher 3 in it (the location changes depending on where you purchased it).
  2. In The Witcher 3 folder, click bin, then config, then base, and open the "general.ini" file with Notepad.
  3. Add a new line at the bottom of this document and type "DBGConsleOn=true". 
  4. Save the file and then close it.
  5. Launch The Witcher 3 and then try to open the console with @, #, or F2. 

You can now start using console commands in-game, but you'll also need to know the full list of available commands. 

The Witcher 3 Console Commands List

Below is a table with all the available console commands. Whenever there are square brackets, you don't need to input these, just the value mentioned. For example, if you use the command addmoney[amount], you can just type addmoney100 to get 100 gold. 

Command Effect
god Toggles inviniciblity. 
likeaboss Toggles likeaboss mode. While enabled, you'll deal 40% of an enemy's HP as damage with every hit. 
addkeys Gives you all the keys in the game for opening doors.
addmoney[amount] Adds the specified number of gold.
removemoney[amount] Removes the specified number of gold.
additem[item code, amount] Adds the specified item to your inventory.
removeitem[item code] Removes the specified item to your inventory. 
witchcraft Adds one of each item in the game to your inventory. 
spawn[npc code, amount, distance, hostility] Spawns the specified NPC in front of you. You can also determine how many of the NPC spawns, their distance, and whether they are hostile with true or false. 
killall[distance] Kill all enemies with the specified distance.
healme Gives you full HP.
setlevel[level] Changes your level to the one specified.
levelup Levels you up once.
addexp[amount] Gives you the specified amount of XP.
learnskill[skill code] Learn the specified skill.
addskillpoints[amount] Gives you the specified amount of skill points.
AllowFT[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to Fast Travel from any location.
ShowAllFT[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all Fast Travel locations.
ShowPins[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all pins (points of interest) on the map.
ShowKnownPins[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the ability to see all previously discovered pins (points of interest) on the map.
settime[days, hours, minutes, seconds] Sets the time of day, in the form of days/hours/minutes/seconds since the game began.
TM[multiplier] Sets the speed of the in-game time. Examples: 1 = 1 minute passes every second (default). 0.5 = 1 minute every 2 seconds. 5 = 5 minutes every second.
Ciri Switches your character to Ciri.
Geralt Switches your character to Geralt.
Cat[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the Cat potion effect (night vision).
Drunk[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the Drunk status effect.
dismember Dismembers the currently targeted NPC.
SpawnHorse Spawns a horse.
instantMount[horse] Spawns and instantly mounts you on a horse.
staminapony Spawns a horse with unlimited stamina.
spawnBoatAndMount Spawns and instantly mounts you on a boat.
makeitrain Make it rain.
stoprain Stop it raining.
changeweather[weather code] Sets the weather to a specific type.
winGwint[0/1] Instantly wins (1) or loses (0) your current game of Gwent.
addgwintcards Supplies you with one of each Gwent Card.
secretgwint Begins a game of Gwent against the AI.
addabl[buff code] Bestow the specified buff effect on you. 
rmbabl[buff code] Removes the specified buff effect. 
cleardevelop Resets your character, removing all items and levels.
buffme[effect id', seconds] Bestows the specified effect on you. 
appearance[appearance code] Sets your appearance to the specified model. 
WitcherHairstyle[1/2/3] Sets your hairstyle to the specified type. Requires apostrophes around the chosen number.
addHair1 Sets your hairstyle to the default style.
addHair2 Sets your hairstyle to the ponytail style.
addHair3 Sets your hairstyle to the long loose style.
addHairDLC1 Sets your hairstyle to the loose short style.
addHairDLC2 Sets your hairstyle to the mohawk/ponytail style.
addHairDLC3 Sets your hairstyle to the Elven Rebel style.
shave Shaves your beard.
setbeard[beard code] Sets your beard to the specified type. 
settattoo[0/1] Enables (1) or disables (0) the tattoo on Geralt's neck.
setcustomhead[head code] Sets your character's head to the specified model.
removecustomhead Resets your head model to default.
xy[x, y] Teleports you to the specified coordinates.
gotoWyzima Teleports you to Vizima.
gotoNovigrad Teleports you to Novigrad.
gotoSkellige Teleports you to Skellige.
gotoKaerMohren Teleports you to Kaer Morhen. The missspelling is intentional. 
gotoProlog Teleports your character to White Orchard.
gotoPrologWinter Teleports your character to White Orchard, but in the winter.
ToggleCameraAutoRotation Toggles automatic camera rotation on/off.
fadeout Fade out the display.
fadein Fade in the display.
testpause Pauses the game.
testunpause Unpauses the game.
dlgshow Toggles the game's UI on or off.
activateAllGlossaryBeastiary Unlocks all Beastiary entries in the Glossary.
activateAllGlossaryCharacters Unlocks all character entries in the Glossary.


That's all for our breakdown of how to use The Witcher 3 console commands, and now you know how to enable the console, along with the full list of commands.

We also cover how to enable The Witcher 3 alternative appearances for certain characters. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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