The Witcher 3 Bow Or Not Bow To The Emperor?

The Witcher 3 Bow Or Not Bow To The Emperor?

Written by 

Ben Williams


21st Dec 2022 17:32

In the wake of its new next-gen update, many players are either returning to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or trying out CDPR's hit 2015 RPG for the first time. With it, comes the uncertainty in many of the game's early decisions. This includes an early instance of whether Geralt of Rivia should bow to Emhyr var Emreis, Emperor of Nilfgaard, and if this has any impact on the game. Let's get into "The Witcher 3 bow or not bow" guide. 

The Witcher 3 Bow Or Not Bow To The Emperor?

witcher 3 bow or not bow
Click to enlarge

Thankfully, it doesn't make a difference to the story whether you bow to the Emperor or not during his Imperial audience request. If you decide not to bow, the only immediate impact is with the Emperor's Chamberlain - who tries to chastise you whilst walking away, which Geralt brushes off.

Whether you decide to have Geralt bow is up to how you think of the character in that situation. For most players though, it would be most canon in line with Geralt's personality to not bow to the Emperor - since he's known to not bow for anyone, along with his dislike towards Emhyr.   

With that, you now have all you need to know about the "Witcher 3 bow or not" situation. If you're going for the ideal playthrough, you should also check out the best Witcher 3 swords. Alternatively, if you want to see the next-gen update's exclusive update, find out how to get the Forgotten Wolf Armour of the Witcher Netflix series. 

For even more Witcher 3 guides, news, reviews, and more, you can be sure to find them right here at GGRecon.

Ben Williams
About the author
Ben Williams
Ben is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. After getting his start writing film and game reviews for Alt:Mag, he went on to write for other sites including KeenGamer, Overclockers, GameByte, and FragHero. All about action-adventure games, RPGs, and anime, Ben is often found thinking about either Pokémon or the next Mass Effect game.
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