The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


22nd Dec 2022 16:40

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold quest was added as part of the sixteen free DLCs released after the game launched back in 2015, so many players who initially played may have missed it. The Witcher 3's next-gen launch and subsequent update for the older version has thrust the acclaimed RPG back into the spotlight, causing tonnes of players to dive into the final part of Geralt's saga. So, if you're looking for a walkthrough of The Witcher 3 Fools Gold quest, we've got you covered. 

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough
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To start The Witcher 3 Fools Gold quest, you will need to head to the small town of Lurtch, located to the east of Lindenvale, in the south of the Velen region. Just southeast of the fast travel signpost, you can find three bandits roasting a pig on a fire, and a character called Yontek. 

Speak to the bandits to start the proceedings, and Yontek will interrupt the conversation to protest against the bandits eating the pig, angering them. Here you will need to choose the dialogue option "Leave him alone." This will cause the bandits to fight you, so take them out and speak with Yontek, who starts talking about pig magic. 

From here, you can start investigating this supposed pig magic. Just head into one of the nearby houses and use your Witcher sense on one of the pigs, and Geralt will realise there is something strange about the hogs. Go back to Yontek and he will hand you a key to a "hog hut" and give you directions on where to go. 

Head off to find the hog hut by travelling southeast of the village, between the Reardon Manor and Toderas locations. Along the way, you will run into some nekkers and ghouls, so take them out to make your time easier later on. 

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough igor
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Soon you'll arrive at cave with three bandits outside. Defeat these and head inside to kill a few more bandits. You can now interact with an archway inside, revealing a portal you can step though to reveal a hidden chamber. Interact with the pig here and talk to him, which will reveal he's a human called Igor, and that you're in a secret temple. 

Keep moving through the temple, and you'll find some large pig statues and a pedestal you can examine. This will reveal that the pedestal held gold, so go back to Igor. You won't learn much from Igor, so now travel back to the village of Lurtch to speak to Yontek. 

Once you arrive back at the village, you'll need to fend off a pack of wolves before speaking to Yontek. After talking to him, he will reveal exactly what happened and mention that he didn't turn into a pig because he didn't go to the secret temple. He'll also reveal he knows where the gold is, so while he gathers all the money, you need to herd the pigs.

Herding the pigs just requires you to use Axii on one pig in each of the village huts. This can be buggy sometimes, so only cast Axii when the word "pig" appears above the pigs. All the pigs will then congregate at the mill, ready for their journey to the temple. 

The Witcher 3 Fools Gold Walkthrough herding
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Lead Yontek and the pigs toward the temple, and kill the nekkers which show up. It's worth mentioning that there will be a high level nekker warrior here. The quest is recommended for players at level six, but this nekker warrior will be level 12, making it difficult to kill if you aren't ready. Once you've dealt with all the enemies, you'll all be transported to the temple after a cutscene. 

Once everyone is at the temple, they will all turn back into humans again. However, the villagers will blame Yontek for the curse, and you have the choice of defending him or just walking away to let them kill him. Letting the villagers kill him will reward you with 100 gold, while defending him will get you nothing. Regardless of what you choose, you'll get 50XP and the quest will be finished. 

That's all for our walkthrough of The Witcher 3 Fools Gold quest, and now you know how to save the village of pigs by turning them back into people.

Looking to up the difficulty for more of a challenge? Then make sure you follow our best The Witcher 3 Death March build

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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