The Witcher 3 Barber Locations

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


19th Dec 2022 17:11

You'll want to know about The Witcher 3 barber locations so you can get the freshest cuts and keep the beard trimmed throughout your adventure to find Ciri. The Witcher 3 has recently received a massive update for its next-gen launch, and with tonnes of returning and new players jumping in, you may want to know what's what. So, if you're looking for how to get your hair cut in the game, check out The Witcher 3 barber locations below. 

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations
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Barbers in The Witcher 3 function much like barbers in real life, allowing you to customise your hair and beard for a fee. They are marked on the map by a scissor icon once discovered, and you can revisit them as much as you want over your playthrough. Below, we will list every barber and their location. 

Cledwyn - Vizima Royal Palace

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations cledwyn
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Cledwyn can be found in the northern section of the Vizima Royal Palace, which is accessed after the prologue. He's also the one who shaves off your beard in a cutscene, making him the most hated barber by default. 


The Witcher 3 Barber Locations claywich
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An unnamed barber can be found in the small village of Claywich, which is directly south of Crow's Perch, where the Bloody Baron quest line takes place. 


The Witcher 3 Barber Locations oxenfurt
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The small city of Oxenfurt is on the east side of the Velen region, and you can find a barber in the middle of the city, just south of the tavern. 


The Witcher 3 Barber Locations novigrad
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There are a total of two barbers located in the massive city of Novigrad. One is on the east side of the city in The Bits, a poorer part of the city. The other is found in the more affluent Gildforf neighbourhood, located more toward the centre of the city. 

Sjusta - Kaer Trolde Harbour

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations sjusta
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Once you arrive in Skellige, you'll still need to get a trim now and then. You can find the character of Sjusta north of the fast travel post in Kaer Trolde Harbour, just opposite the local tavern. 


The Witcher 3 Barber Locations svorlag
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Another unnamed barber can be found in the north-west Skellige island of Spikeroog. The island has a massive harbour with two adjacent towns, and the barber is found inlay, just next to the tavern. 

Jean-Louis Ludovic - Toussaint

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations jean louis ludovic
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This barber is a little trickier to find than the others and comes as part of The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine. Before you can get their services though, you will need to finish a quest called Of Sheers and a Witcher I Sing, where the barber goes missing and you must find him. To start the quest, speak with Le Papillon, who is just south of the Nilfgaardian Embassy fast travel post in the Hauteville district of Beauclair. 

Tourney Grounds

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations tourney grounds
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Another barber that can be found in Toussaint, is located in the Tourney Grounds area, which is north of the capital city, Beauclair. They are located just west of the fast travel post. 

Basane Farm

The Witcher 3 Barber Locations basene
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This is another barber that needs to be unlocked. In the north-east of the Toussaint region, you can find Basane Farm, and if you kill a wolf that's causing trouble in the area, the barber there will make their services available to you. 

That's all for our breakdown of The Witcher 3 barber locations, and now you have an idea of where each barber can be found throughout the game.

We also cover how to get The Witcher 3 Forgotten Wolf armor, which is a new addition that came as part of the next-gen patch. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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