Star Wars Releases Official R2-D2 Tamagotchi

Star Wars Releases Official R2-D2 Tamagotchi
Disney | Bandai

Written by 

Tom Chapman


3rd Aug 2021 16:42

Beep bop, boop bop. If you want a double dose of nostalgia, consider your nerd wishes come true thanks to Bandai and Disney. We're back off to that galaxy far, far away, with an official Star Wars Tamagotchi bringing R2-D2 to life.

Trying to teach us the responsibilities of caring for a pet - without killing a living creature like Sea Monkeys - Tamagotchis were all the rage in the '90s. Who could forget getting up in the middle of the night to feed your crying pet, or the dreaded moment it would randomly give up and die, only to leave behind a morbid gravestone. Anyone who was anyone had a Tamagotchi at some point, but in 2021, it's time to bring them back from the dead.

What is the R2-D2 Tamagotchi?

Chewbacca, Yoda, Darth Vader, R2-D2? It's hard to pick who is the most iconic Star Wars character, but when it comes to long-standing additions, R2-D2 is one of the OGs. Alongside the clattering C-3PO, R2 is a legend in his own right and beautifully lends himself to being a Tamagotchi.

There are two versions of the R2-D2 Tamagotichi up for pre-order now on US sites including Amazon and Entertainment Earth. Both the standard white and transparent blue variants will cost around $20. 

If you want to care for your own R2 unit, the description reads, "From its time at the Droid Factory to your possession, R2-D2 needs to be charged (feed), wiped (keep happy), and cleaned".

Thankfully, Bandai has learned that killing pets in front of kids can lead to adult trauma, so things are a little different these days. If you don't look after your R2-D2 Tamagotchi, he'll be stolen away by those troublesome Jawas.

When can you get the R2-D2 Tamagotchi?

Although pre-orders are already live, the R2-D2 Tamagotchis won't be shipping until December. At least they're set to be a popular addition to your Christmas list, and hopefully beep away under the tree on December 25.

Much more than just a noisy R2-D2, the latest addition to the Tamagotchi line also includes minigames like Fire Fighting and Dejarik. As well as playing the famous Star Wars Holochess as default, there are also unlockable minigames and 19 skills for R2 to learn. Well, as long as you look after him.

If Artoo doesn't float your boat, the Entertainment Earth Twitter confirmed a Boba Fett Tamagotchi is on the way to cash in on the success of The Mandalorian. I think we're all asking though, where's the Baby Yoda Tamagotchi at?


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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