Do The Witcher 3 Trophies Carry Over On PS5?

Do The Witcher 3 Trophies Carry Over On PS5?

Written by 

Ben Williams


15th Dec 2022 13:07

The Witcher 3's free-of-charge next-gen update has arrived on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Whilst transferring your save from PS4 to PS5 is quite straightforward once you know how to do so, it's still easy for players to be confused as to whether their earned trophies from the PS4 version will auto-pop on the PS5 equivalent. Let's get into whether The Witcher 3 trophies carry over on PS5. 

Do The Witcher 3 Trophies Carry Over On PS5?

witcher 3 trophies carry over ps4 to ps5
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Unfortunately, The Witcher 3 trophies do not carry over from PS4 to PS5. This means that whilst your progress in the game itself can be resumed, you will have to start your trophy collection from scratch. 

Of course, this creates a massive obstacle for Witcher 3 players who were hoping to resume their playthroughs aiming for the Platinum trophy. Even though starting your Witcher 3 trophy collection again could still meet you with the Platinum if you weren't too far in the campaign, where otherwise you'd miss out on certain story-based trophies, there is a particular trophy that changes things for New Game+ players

The Gold trophy named "Munchkin" requires you to get your Geralt up to level 35. If your carried-over save file of The Witcher 3 from PS4 to PS5 was on New Game+, it is very likely you were already well above that level, making doing so again impossible. 

So, if you want to achieve the Munchkin trophy once again on the PS5 Witcher 3 to put towards your Platinum, you will not only have to start all over again, you will have to do so via the base game without the New Game+ bonuses. 

What's more, if on the PS4 Witcher 3, if you already unlocked the "Walked the Path" trophy - requiring you to play through the whole game on the hardest difficulty, "Death March!" - you will have to start all over again with the base game on said difficulty as well.

That's all you need to know on whether your Witcher 3 trophies carry over from PS4 to PS5. If you're in the mood for some Witcher trivia, find out how old Yennefer of Vengerberg is in The Witcher 3. However, you can also check out how to enable The Witcher 3's FPS counter

For even more guides on The Witcher 3, you can find them right here at GGRecon. 

Ben Williams
About the author
Ben Williams
Ben is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. After getting his start writing film and game reviews for Alt:Mag, he went on to write for other sites including KeenGamer, Overclockers, GameByte, and FragHero. All about action-adventure games, RPGs, and anime, Ben is often found thinking about either Pokémon or the next Mass Effect game.
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