The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp Riddle: How To Solve

The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp Riddle: How To Solve

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


16th Dec 2022 11:10

If you're following the Keira Metz questline early in the game, then you will want to know the answer to The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp riddle, as it requires a bit of deduction to figure out. The Witcher 3 isn't all about fighting monsters and monstrous humans, as sometimes you'll have to sit back and put your thinking cap on for a good puzzle. If you're struggling with The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp riddle, then check out our solution to the quest below. 

The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp Riddle

The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp Riddle
Click to enlarge

After The Witcher 3 Wandering in the Dark quest is finished, Keira Metz will ask if you can help her delve deeper into the elven ruins and help her find a Magic Lamp that was promised to her. Make sure you say yes and follow her through an archway into a room with some statues. 

Using your Witcher senses, you can find an inscription on the wall which contains a riddle. It says: 

"Four guardians, four flames, standing proud in a line. The First to light his fire dared not march on the end. The Second, beside his first, played a woeful lament. The Third kept close to his faithful beast. The fourth marched not beside the First, yet like the Second, played a tune. And thus they stood o'er their queen, whole slept beneath flickering stars" 

The riddle breaks down which order you will need to interact with the statues to solve the puzzle and progress forward. If you're done trying to figure it out here is the answer: light the statue to the right of the archway, then the statue to the left of the archway, then the statue to the far right, and finally the statue to the far left. 

After interacting with the statues in the correct order, the door will open up and let Keira Metz grab the Magic Lamp, letting you both leave the elven ruins and finish the quest.

That's all for our explainer for how to solve The Witcher 3 Magic Lamp riddle, and now you know can finish the quest with Keira Metz. 

Make sure you also check out how to use The Witcher 3 Photo Mode so you can snap some scenic pics. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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