Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand Items: How To Get Silverhand's Clothes, Car, And Pistol

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand Items: How To Get Silverhand's Clothes, Car, And Pistol
Images via CD Projekt Red

Written by 

Dave McAdam


27th Sep 2022 14:18

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand items are dotted throughout the game, ready to be passed on to V. Cyberpunk 2077 tasks the player with carting the digital remains of legendary rocker boy Johnny Silverhand around with them, so at the very least you deserve some of his cool stuff. Although Silverhand has been dead for nearly fifty years, many of his prized possessions are still knocking about Night City. Here is how to get all of Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand's items, his clothes, his car, and his incredibly powerful pistol.

Cyberpunk 2077 Silverhand Items: Story Progression

Talking to Johnny Silverhand during the Tapeworm mission
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In order to start grabbing some of Johnny's old stuff, you will first need to make some progress through the main story. There won't be any major spoilers in this guide, but this is a warning to say you should maybe go and play through a good chunk of the story before attempting this. There is a specific part of the story that you will have to do regardless, and that is the point at which you can start getting Silverhand's stuff.

The specific mission in question is called Tapeworm, which we will not spoil but safe to say, it comes after completing act one. Completing Tapeworm will get you Johnny's dog tags, his tank top, and it will give you access to the Chippin' In side job.

Cyberpunk 2077 Silverhand Items: Chippin' In

Using Silverhand's gun
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The Chippin' In side job is where you will get the major pieces of Johnny's gear. First, you will get his sunglasses, then you get a replica of his iconic Samurai jacket. These items are iconic, which means you also get the crafting recipe for them. This means you can craft better versions of them, with better stats. That said, with the new wardrobe system you can wear any clothes that have good stats and change their appearance, so if the Silverhand look appeals to you, you never have to take it off.

Continuing the mission, there are two more items we can get. First is the Malorian pistol, Johnny's famous sidearm. It is a legendary weapon and iconic, so you can craft more of them, but the one you get is very powerful. It does huge damage, has a unique melee attack, and also the reload animation is the coolest thing in the entire game. Seriously, for the reload alone, this gun is the best weapon in the game.

However, we are still not done with Chippin' In. You get the gun from a man called Grayson at the end of the mission, at which point you are given a choice. You can kill him, or you can spare him. If you spare him, he will give you the key to a container. Go to that container and open it up, to find Johnny Silverhand's personal Porsche 930 Turbo. This thing is so fast and fun to drive, and it has a custom livery bearing the Samurai name.


Cyberpunk 2077 Silverhand Items: His Pants, His Boots (Unfortunately, No Motorcycle)

Talking to Johnny on a bench
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You might think that after the pile of Silverhand goodies you just got in Chippin' In that that would be the last of it, but there is more to do. To complete the look, we need to complete two more gigs. These are short, but they are quite high level. Both are around level 33, so you might need to wait until later to tackle these.

These two gigs pertain to Kerry Eurodyne, but there are some incidental Johnny Silverhand items to grab along the way. To get Johnny's pants you need to do the Psychofan gig to retrieve Kerry's guitar. During the gig, you will enter an apartment. Once you are inside, head up the stairs and into the bedroom. To the left of the bed and against the wall there is a small suitcase. In there you will find Johnny's pants.

For the final piece, you need Johnny's shoes. These are found during the Family Heirloom gig, where you need to find a bootleg copy of a Samurai record. Follow the steps of the gig, and after you clear out the enemies it will guide you to a locker in a room. Inside the locker, you will find what you need, as well as Johnny's shoes.

With that, you have all of the Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand items. If you want to borrow another jacket, you should check out our Cyberpunk 2077 David's jacket guide.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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