Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Trailers, Gameplay Details & All We Know

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Trailers, Gameplay Details & All We Know
Images via CD Projekt Red

Written by 

Alex Branagan


27th Jan 2023 15:15

The announcement of Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, ‘Phantom Liberty’, has rejuvenated the enormous hype behind CD Projekt Red’s futuristic sandbox monster. Cyberpunk 2077’s pre-launch excitement was cause for some of the greatest heights and fiercest lows in gaming history after player expectations were simply set too high for its troubled launch. Will the release of Phantom Liberty help shoot Night City back into the neon heights it strived for? Here’s the latest news on Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty’s upcoming release date, trailers and gameplay.

Is There A Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Release Date?

The new ‘spy-thriller’ themed DLC was revealed during a Night City Wire broadcast along with the aptly named Edgerunners update(Patch 1.6), which includes a tie-in with the recently dropped Netflix anime adaptation of the same name. Phantom Liberty is set to release in 2023, with no exact date confirmed yet. Given the large scale of the Edgerunners update, it could be some months before we hear more, which leaves players ample time to make their way through the gargantuan base game content.


  • In a hurry to see everything Night City has to offer before Phantom Liberty drops? Don't worry, we'll show you how to get the Secret Ending.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Trailers

Night City punks have been treated to just the one announcement trailer so far for Phantom Liberty, which sees main character V questionably pledging their allegiance to the New United States of America. Being in service to the government is punk now? We’re eager to see what CD Projekt Red is setting up narratively. Also, subtly confirmed by the end of the trailer, it’s important to note that the Phantom Liberty expansion is next-gen only, meaning PS4 and Xbox One players will need to upgrade to experience it.

  • We at GGRecon are proud to confirm that yes, there is definitely more Keanu coming!

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Gameplay Details & Platforms

Players were treated to details regarding gameplay updates and road mapping during the latest Night City Wire Edgerunners Special from game director Gabe Amatangelo, which included mention of exciting and highly requested overhauls to both the police system and vehicle combat. Many players criticised the lack of cop presence throughout Night City in the base game, and this looks to be finally making MaxTac a real threat for V to contend with.

Amatangelo also added there would be: “A new kind of gameplay loop for melee. A bunch of new actions in the perk tree. More cyberware-feeling cyberware”. More options mean more ways to wreak havoc in Night City. CD Projekt Red knows it, and we're here for it.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X and S.

Alex Branagan
About the author
Alex Branagan
Alex is a writer well-worn in the fields of literally any genre with RPG tacked on at the end of it, and a streamer to boot. You’ll often find them on Twitter @/runetooth_ panicking over when to use a Megalixir. The answer? Never!
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