1986's The Legend Of Zelda Has Been Recreated In VR

1986's The Legend Of Zelda Has Been Recreated In VR
Nintendo | Sugary Noe YouTube

Written by 

Tom Chapman


11th Jan 2023 14:25

They don't come much more classic than Nintendo's original The Legend of Zelda, and while the realm of Hyrule has come a long way since 1986, we're still finding new ways to play.

If Zelda can do one thing well as a series, it's reinventing itself. Standout entries like Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild have proved this, but we find ourselves asking, where's our VR version of Zelda?

What Is The VR Version Of Zelda?

Debuting on the Famicom Disc System in 1986, The Legend of Zelda found worldwide success with its arrival on the NES. More than just carrying the legacy of being the first Zelda game, it's rightly listed as one of the greatest games of all time.

For those who think they've seen all there is to see from The Legend of Zelda, trust us that you've never seen it like this.

As reported by Nintendo Life, YouTube channel Sugary Noe shows off an impressive DOOM mod that uses the QuestZDoom engine for the Quest VR headset. This means it isn't technicallyZelda game, instead being called The Legend of Doom.

Picking up The Legend of Zelda's title screen, you waste no time dropping into the first few levels. Swapping out the classic top-down gameplay, this Hyrule feels almost endless as you get up close and personal with Stalfos and Wallmasters.

It's about as faithful a Zelda recreation as you'll get, even including those iconic chiptunes as Link hacks and slashes his way to Death Mountain.

Are There More Zelda VR Games?

We've seen plenty of projects for a mythical new-gen remaster/Unreal Engine 5 Ocarina of Time, but pushing the envelope further, one Zelda superman managed to create a VR version of the 1998 classic.

Modder BrianMp16 used the DolphinVR Emulator to bring a previous first-person Ocarina mod to life - even using an omnidirectional treadmill to track across this troubled land.

Not just a quick build of Kokiri Forest, we actually see him finishing off Ganondorf in style. There's been a renewed interest in franchises getting on the VR hype, with DOOM being a great example and Capcom also doing the same with Resident Evil.

Sadly, there's no official Zelda game in VR yet. Who knows, what the future hold for the likes of Tears of the Kingdom, but just imagine the mythical Switch 2 letting us play it in VR. Ah well, we can dream.

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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