How To Assimilate In Warzone 2 And DMZ

How To Assimilate In Warzone 2 And DMZ
Images via Activision

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


18th Nov 2022 12:41

Assimilation is a brand-new mechanic available in Warzone 2 and DMZ. Usually, teaming with enemies in Call of Duty is frowned upon. But with the Assimilation feature, you can create an unstoppable squad of up to six players.

So, if you want to recruit for your next trip to Al Mazrah, keep reading to learn how to Assimilate in Warzone 2 and DMZ.

What Is Assimilation In Warzone 2 And DMZ?

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Available in Warzone 2 and DMZ Mode, Assimilation allows players from opposing teams to form an alliance in-game. With a press of a button, you can invite another player, or group of players, to your party. And vice versa, you can request to join forces with a squad of rivals.

How To Assimilate In Warzone 2 And DMZ

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To Assimilate into another team's party, you must open your Ping Wheel Menu and select the option "Request to Join Nearby Enemy Squad". An enemy team in your proximity will receive a pop-up notification on their screen informing them that you are interested in calling a truce. If they accept your proposition, you will Assimilate into their party.

To bolster your party and add new blood to your ranks, open your Ping Wheel Menu and select the option "Invite Nearby Players to Join Your Squad". This will alert other squads in your direct vicinity that you are interested in teaming up. If they choose to accept, it will initiate an armistice between the groups.

Finally, to accept incoming Assimilation requests, open your Ping Wheel Menu and select "Allow 'Player Name' to Join Your Squad". This will immediately add your new teammate(s) to your party.

What Playlists Support Assimilation In Warzone 2 And DMZ?

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The Assimilation feature is active in all Warzone 2 playlists and DMZ Mode, but how it works differs depending on the rules of the playlist.

In playlists that use Assimilation Refill, squads are capped to the max party size for that particular playlist. For example, say you're playing Trios, but one of your teammates leaves prematurely. In this instance, you can use the Assimilation mechanic to add a solo player mid-game to fill out your squad.

In Warzone 2 Unhinged and DMZ Mode, however, you can create squads of up to six players using Assimilation. While both these modes are initially limited to parties of three, you can add up the three other players during the action.

And with that, you have everything you need to Assimilate in Warzone 2 and DMZ. 

Speaking of teamwork, the Warzone 2 Gulag offers an exciting 2v2 twist on the traditional Gulag experience.

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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