Warzone 2 Proximity Chat: Everything You Need To Know

Warzone 2 Proximity Chat: Everything You Need To Know
Images via Activision

Written by 

Hritwik Raj


23rd Sep 2022 12:00

If you plan to play the latest iteration of Call of Duty Warzone, you must know about Warzone 2 proximity chat. As you may know, the best part about multiplayer games is the different types and forms of social interaction and related features it offers. Whether it be battle royale games like H1Z1 or survival games like Escape From Tarkov, features like proximity chat are like cherry on the top. With the help of the proximity chat feature, players can interact with every other player they encounter, granted they are within a set range. It can be your teammates or any random person. Continue reading our Warzone 2 proximity chat guide to learn everything you need to know. 

Warzone 2: What Is Proximity Chat?

Proximity chat is a feature that enables players to talk to one another when they are within a specified range, irrespective of whether they are on the same team or not. 

When Is Proximity Chat Coming To Warzone 2? 

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The proximity chat feature is coming to Warzone 2 on November 16, 2022, with the release of the new iteration. We learned about the proximity chat and other details on Warzone 2.0 during the Call of Duty Next Livestream event that aired on September 15, 2022. 

The event not only gave us a glimpse of how to new Warzone 2.0 is going to play out and a look at the new Al Mazrah map, but it also gave us a look at some of the massive overhauls and game changes that MW2 and partly Warzone will receive with their respective release. 

Can You Disable Proximity Chat In Warzone 2?

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There is currently no official word on whether you can disable proximity chat in Warzone 2.0. However, not having a 'disable' option for Proximity Chat is highly unlikely. We have also heard that Activision will deploy associated guidelines and user agreement with the proximity chat feature. It is to make sure proximity chat does not get used for something inappropriate like bullying, harassment, or other such things. 

The proximity chat is optional, so we think you can disable it. However, keep this in mind, if the feature is anything similar to what other games offer, you won't be able to hear other players with your proximity chat option being disabled. 

  • Do you still use the previous generation platforms to play Warzone and wonder if they will receive the Warzone 2.0 update? Check out our guide on Is Warzone 2 On PS4 And Xbox One? for more details. 

Is Proximity Chat Coming To MW2?

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So far, we have no official details on MW2 featuring the proximity chat option. Nor we found any such feature in the MW2 Beta. So, it is safe to say there is no proximity chat in MW2. However, we have workarounds like forming a party, enabling party chat, and then playing the different multiplayer modes. 

We will update the article if there are any changes in proximity chat usage and functionality when Warzone 2.0 releases. For more on Warzone, keep reading GGRecon.

Hritwik Raj
About the author
Hritwik Raj
Hritwik has been writing about video games, manga, and anime for more than 8 years. Some of his favourite games include The Last of Us Part II, Fallout 76, Apex Legends, Genshin Impact, and the Souls series.
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