Stray Notebook Locations

Stray Notebook Locations
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


19th Jul 2022 16:10

During your adventures as Stray, you'll be tasked to find the four notebook locations belonging to the outsider's companion group, friends of Momo's. To find the notebook locations in Stray, you'll have to do a fair bit of rooftop scaling and searching. To make things easier for yourself, check out our guide below for all the notebook locations in Stray.

  • Read our Stray review here to see if you'd like to buy the game for yourself.

Stray Notebook Walkthrough

Momo's Notebook 1/4

Momo in Stray
Click to enlarge

Upon entering Momo's apartment, he will reveal that although he once wished to go to the outside, he has since lost contact with his comrades and fellow 'outsiders'. His transceiver has broken meaning he has lost all contact with the others. He gives you his notebook for more information on the outside.

B12 suggests that if you find the other outsider's notebooks, there may be a clue to help solve the transceiver issue.

Although the outsider's apartments will be marked by the same blue and white logo, the clustered buildings of the slums can be difficult to navigate at first.


Zbaltazar's Notebook 2/4

How to access Zbaltazar's apartment in Stray
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Zbaltazar's Apartment is the highest of the outsiders. To gain access you'll have to go through the vent on his roof. To do so, first cut the power supply to the airflow by removing the plug on the outside vent. Then climb down from the vent. His notebook will be within one of the stacks of boxes, the stack to the right of the doorway. Simply jump on and off the box to make it fall over and the notebook should tumble out of it.

Doc's Notebook 3/4

Doc's hidden notebook in Stray
Click to enlarge

Doc's apartment is just past the couch and TV viewing area on the rooftops. His apartment is distinguishable by the rows of books inside. There will be a side room to the right of the entrance with a note from the librarian and keys to Doc's safe. Retrieve these, then exit out of the room and turn right. There will be a stack of books under the 'L' and 'M' sections. Jump on these to crash them to the floor revealing the safe behind them. Then open the safe and collect Doc's notebook.

Clementine's Notebook 4/4

Clementine's apartment in Stray
Click to enlarge

Clementine's Apartment is the first that B12 will point out to you. It has a big open window with the outsider's logo painted on the wall next to it. Jump into the apartment and walk through the glass doors through one of the cracked glass panes. To the left will be Clementine's office. The notebook is propped up next to her computer.

After retrieving all notebooks, return to Momo so he can fix the transceiver and re-establish the hope of contacting his friends and meeting them once again.

  • Read our guide on where to find all the Stray music sheets, to complete the achievement and earn the music badge.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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