Stray Atomic Battery Puzzle: How To Solve

Stray Atomic Battery Puzzle: How To Solve
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


21st Jul 2022 14:47

The Atomic Battery in Stray is needed to further the questline during the Midtown chapter. To restore power to the subway and progress the questline, Clementine instructs Stray to infiltrate the Neco Factory and steal the battery powering it. Once you get inside the factory, you'll have to solve the puzzle to release the battery from its case. Read here for a walkthrough on how to solve the atomic battery puzzle in Stray.

  • If you need help getting inside the first factory, read our guide on how to get inside the Neco Corp Factory.

Stray Atomic Battery Puzzle: How To Solve

Atomic Battery Puzzle
Click to enlarge

Once you've navigated your way through the factory, past the moving cubes of garbage, there will be a locked pathway with red lasers blocking your way. Get inside the red barrel next to the entryway and roll through.

Atomic Battery Puzzle
Click to enlarge

Now, you'll have to apply weight to the different glowing pressure plates on the floor to free the battery in the centre. To do this, turn on the machine north of the battery using B12, the machine will now follow you so move toward the gate south of the battery. Once the machine is directly underneath the gate, switch it off using B12 again and jump on the machine. You will now have access behind the gate.

Jump on the lever to open the gate and activate the next machine.


Atomic Battery Puzzle
Click to enlarge

Arrange the two machines onto the platforms north and south of the battery in the centre. This will raise the pillar, clearing the way for you to roll the red barrel onto the remaining platform. The pillar containing the battery will now drop down and open, leaving it free to take.

  • For more Stray tips, read our guide on all badge locations in the game, to unlock them all.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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