Stray Sheet Music Locations

Stray Sheet Music Locations
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


19th Jul 2022 14:20

There are a total of eight sheet music pages throughout the slums of The Dead City in Stray. For Stray to collect these will require some exploration of the slums and nearby rooftops. To learn how to get all the sheet music pages in Stray, read on.

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Stray Sheet Music: Morusque Location

Morusque the musician companion in Stray
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Morusque is a local Companion who dreams of becoming an established musician. To help him on his journey he asks Stray to give him any pages of sheet music he comes across. Once you deliver the pages to him, Morusque will play the music for Stray.

Morusque is usually near the elevator entrance, left of The Guardian companion (with the staff and red cloak) who you first encounter in the slums. He is sitting opposite the two vending machines in this area with blankets and holding his guitar. Next to him is a pillow that Stray can nap down on if you choose.

Handing in all eight sheet music pages will reward you with an achievement or trophy depending on the platform and a music badge.

Stray Sheet Music Video Walkthrough

Stray Sheet Music: All Locations

Sheet Music 1/8 "Petite Valse"

Momo's apartment in Stray
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The first sheet music can be found in Momo's bathroom. His apartment is above the rooftops, recognisable by the big yellow sign outside.


Sheet Music 2/8 "Ballad of the Lonely Robot"

Sheet music two location in Stray
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This sheet music is located outside the apartment to the right of Clementine's, on top of a side table on the balcony. The balcony is directly opposite Momo's apartment. You can access the area by climbing to the top of the laundry roof and scaling around the rooftops to the right.

Clementine's apartment has an 'outsider' blue and white symbol painted outside; the window is an open square with a lantern hanging next to it.

Sheet Music 3/8 "Untitled"

Entrance to Elliot's Programming in Stray
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This sheet music is located on the ground floor of Elliot's Programming. To gain access to the shop you'll have to scratch on the door for the Companion to open it for you. Once inside, the music sheet will be attached to a framed picture of a Companion on the wall.

Elliot's Programming is round the corner past the bar, it will have a sign attached to the door which B12 can interact with.

Sheet Music 4/8 "The Way You Compute Tonight"

The slums merchant in Stray
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Sheet music four can be purchased from the merchant located to the right of The Guardian Companion. He will trade you the sheet music for an energy drink. An energy drink can be acquired from a working vending machine. One such vending machine is located opposite Morusque. Simply interact with it to get a can.

Sheet Music 5/8 "Tomorrows"

Stray bar
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Travel down the south lane from the Guardian to reach the bar. The sheet music is located on the second level of the bar, resting on top of one of the tables.

Sheet Music 6/8 "Cool Down"

Clementine's apartment in Stray
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The music is in Clementine's apartment, placed within the bookcase next to her bed. The apartment is accessible via the rooftops and is distinguished by the blue and white symbol painted next to her open window. There is also a red lantern hanging to the left of the window.

Sheet Music 7/8 "Mildly Important Information"

Doc's apartment in Stray
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The music can be found in the librarian Doc's apartment, in the central room on top of the piano. There is a blue and white 'outsiders' sign outside of his house to mark it. The apartment is directly opposite the robot which is cloud gazing on the roof and the sofa and tv watching area.

Sheet Music 8/8 "Unreadable Sheet Music"

Safe puzzle in Stray
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The last piece of sheet music is located within a safe situated around the corner from Morusque and near the elevator entrance. The combination for the safe can be found by knocking down a painting of a beach next to the bar, revealing the code on the wall.

That's how to find all Sheet Music locations in Stray. Check out our Stray Guides page for more Stray content added regularly.

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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