Stray Badge Locations

Stray Badge Locations
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


21st Jul 2022 12:47

There are a total of six badges in Stray that can be rewarded for performing tasks for NPC or for exploring parts of The Dead City. Badges can be worn with pride on Stray's backpack harness as an adorable accessory. Collecting all six badged in the game will also reward you with the Badges trophy/achievement. To learn how you can get all the badges in Stray, read on.

  • For more Stray tips, read our guide on all the energy drink locations in Stray, useful if you wish to barter with the merchant Companion in the slums.

Stray Badge Locations: Outsider Badge

Stray Outsider Badge
Click to enlarge

The Outsider Badge is given to Stray before the beginning of chapter seven 'Dead End'. The badge is given by Seamus to act as a message to his father Doc. You must first find the tracker in Doc's secret room and get Elliot to repair it. The quest will start after Stray finishes the 'Rooftops' chapter and begins the 'Slums Part two'.  

Once the tracker is repaired, Seamus will use it to locate Doc's whereabouts which he will then task Stray to find after pinning the badge on them.

  • For a step-by-step on repairing the tracker and activating the quest, read our guide on how to fix the tracker in Stray.

Stray Badge Locations: Music Badge

Stray Music Badge
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This is awarded by the musician Morusque in the slums for finding all eight of the collectable sheet music pages. The pages are scattered amongst the slums and will take some exploration to find. Once all eight sheets are given to Morusque, he will award Stray with the music badge.

  • Read our guide on all sheet music locations in Stray for a thorough rundown of where you can find the pages.

Stray Badge Locations: Plant Badge

Stray Plant Badge
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This badge is rewarded in the Antvillage chapter, in return for giving a red, purple and yellow coloured plant to Malo. Malo is on an upper landing, one up from Zbaltazar.

Purple Plant

Stray Purple Plant
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The Purple plant up a tree trunk to the right of the two companions playing a mahjong game. Climb up the tree trunk to gather the purple flowers.

Yellow Plant

Stray Yellow Plant
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Continue past Zbaltazar and the bar where two Companions are gathered. There will be a pipe leading around the corner from the sofa area, where the yellow plant will be hanging.

Red Plant

Stray Red Plant
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This is on the ground level, on an island of trash near two Companions who are gathering materials. You can access the area by jumping in the bucket next to the two mahjong players and then using the pipes and barrels nearby to get across the water.


Stray Badge Locations: Cat Badge

Stray Cat Badge
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As you head up the main street of Midtown, to the right will be a Companion arguing with an offline Companion who supposedly sold him a bad battery. Hop through the counter space to the back of the shop. There will be a poster that B12 translates as '2458 :edoC' which is the code to his safe typed backwards.

Type in the correct passcode '8542' and collect the cat badge from the safe.

Stray Badge Locations: Police Badge

Stray Police Badge
Click to enlarge

Go down the left alleyway around the corner from the clothing shop. Climb up the various AC units in the area as high as you can, until you come across an open window with bars. Climb inside and grab the police badge off the powered-down Companion.

Stray Badge Locations: Neco Badge

Stray Neco Badge
Click to enlarge

The last badge can be earned from the Neco factory in Midtown. First, follow Clementine's instructions to get inside the factory.

Once inside, you'll see a worker looking over a railing and complaining that he has lost his keys.

Progress to the next room where the cubes of moving garbage will obstruct the Sentinel's vision. There will be an island of garbage to the bottom right of the room, access the area by jumping on the barrels nearby. This is where the worker's lost keys will be. Travel back to return them and receive the last badge.

  • If you want to complete the memories achievement as well, check out our guide to all of the B12 memory locations in Stray.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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