Stray Dunk The Basketball Challenge: How To Complete

Stray Dunk The Basketball Challenge: How To Complete
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


20th Jul 2022 15:51

There are many lovable interactions you can perform in Stray, which are a homage to the feline traits and behaviours of these lovable pets. One such trait is climbing to places you shouldn’t be and knocking items over. Stray celebrates this with the achievement of successfully dunking a basketball. To learn where the basketball is and how to get the achievement/trophy, read here.

Stray Dunk The Basketball Challenge: How To Complete

Basketball location in Stray
Click to enlarge

The basketball in question is located just before you reach the merchant, to the right passage from the Guardian Companion.

The trick of the achievement is to knock the ball at the right angle so it will fall down the slope and into the garbage can.


You only have one shot at this, as once it has rolled down the incline it is nearly impossible to nudge it back up.

You can, however, reset the basketball and get it in its original spot by restarting the game chapter. When launching your game, you have the option to replay chapters, of which your progress will be saved if you pick up any extra achievements or memories you may have missed the first time.

Reset the basketball if you're desperate to unlock the achievement/trophy named 'Boom Chat Kalaka'.

  • For more Stray guides and tips, read our guide on all the sheet music locations in the game, to also unlock the music challenge.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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