Stray Control Room: How To Get To The Ending Of Stray

Stray Control Room: How To Get To The Ending Of Stray
Images via BlueTwelve Studio

Written by 

Kiera Mills


25th Jul 2022 13:05

The Control Room is the final chapter of Stray following the Jail sequence. If you need a little help navigating the Stray final chapter, we have you sorted. Beware of light end-game spoilers ahead.

  • Why not check out our Stray review to see how it compares with your own experience of the game?

Stray: Control Room Doors

Stray control room doors
Click to enlarge

Once you get off the subway train, climb up two sets of stairs to advance to the control room.

The double set of orange doors will be sealed shut, opening these is the goal. Ahead is a mesmerising view of the city below where Stray has spent the course of the playthrough exploring. To the left is a set of office doors, marked in red lettering as the control room.

To access these doors, you must utilise the cleaning machine nearby (the same type that was used in the factory to release the battery). Use B12 to activate the machine and it will follow you. Direct it towards the panel on the left side of the door. Now turn it off with B12 and you can use it as a platform to jump on.

Now, you must make B12 interact with the keypad on the opposite side (right of the doorway) and quickly jump on the machine, open the panel, and scratch the wires within to open the door before the interaction times out. Now proceed through to the control room.

  • For more guidance on how to use the machines, read our guide to getting the atomic battery in Stray.

Stray: How To Turn The Computers On

Stray computer systems
Click to enlarge

After B12's last memory plays out, approach the main computer, noticeable by its flashing lights. B12 will tell you that they need the data in the computer terminal, but they need to be switched on. In true cat fashion, the correct response is to walk on top of the keyboards of the computers that aren’t on. The LED screens will turn blue when each computer is activated.


Stray: How To Open The Roof Control

Stray roof access systems
Click to enlarge

Now Stray and B12 must finally open The Dead City after hundreds of years of darkness. To do so, Stray must destroy three power stations whilst B12 works. These stations have a yellow lock symbol above them.

To destroy the station to the right of the main computer you'll need to uncover its wires by interacting with the panels to its right. A lid will pop off to expose the wires underneath. Have Stray scratch at these and the computer will turn blue, ready for B12 to hack its systems.

The station to the left of the main computer has a similar panel, close to the floor but hidden behind a metal panel. Jump up on the platform next to it and interact to have Stray knock the panel down. Then claw at the exposed wires and repeat the process.

The last security station is right of the window overlooking The Dead City. Interact with the panel to expose the wires and repeat the process. Then jump to the yellow security panel which controls the roof access, left of the window which has now turned blue.

B12 will then disable the security protocols and open the city.

  • Read our guide to all badge locations in Stray to complete the achievement/trophy and get an exclusive holographic harness for Stray to wear.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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