Where To Use Al Bagra Barrack Key In MW2 DMZ

Where To Use Al Bagra Barrack Key In MW2 DMZ
Images via Activision

Written by 

Joshua Boyles


2nd Feb 2023 15:30

If you've managed to get your hands on it, you might be wondering where the MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack key location is. It might be easy to find the keys in MW2 DMZ, but learning where they are actually used is another story. So, check out this guide to find the exact MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack key location.

MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack Key Location

MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack Key
Click to enlarge

The MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack Key can be found within Al Bagra Fortress in the southernmost island of the Al Mazrah map.

To find this location, first head towards the G8 grid reference. Look for a break in the wall that lets you access the main courtyard of Al Bagra fortress. Once you're inside, head north through the archway and down a set of stairs. There should be a set of arrow targets stacked in the centre by a white van.

The building you're looking for is to the left of the stacked targets. Head inside, and you should find two locked doors that can be opened with the Al Bagra Barrack Key.

As always, you will need to be careful when approaching this area as there are plenty of AI foes either on the approach to the key location or directly surrounding the key. Your best course of action is to either approach with an armoured vehicle - both for speed and protection - or to jump in with a squad who can protect you.

Regardless, you're definitely going to want to take it slow, as you never know what is lurking around each corner. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're close and then getting dropped by an enemy you didn't see and sent straight back to the lobby screen.

Using the key will grant you access to a wide assortment of various loot. Items with monetary value will be your most likely reward, but you could also get a kitted-out weapon or even a key if you're lucky. Just make sure to get to the nearest extraction point, as otherwise, your efforts will have been for nothing.

So, that's everything you need to know about the MW2 DMZ Al Bagra Barrack key location, giving you the details of how to get there. Make sure to check out our MW2 DMZ key locations guide for a hub of every spot we've covered so far in the extraction game mode.

Joshua Boyles
About the author
Joshua Boyles
Josh is the Guides Editor at GGRecon. He has previously written for GameByte and FragHero, and loves to play the medic role in team shooters. When not gaming, he can be found putting in the miles on his road bike.
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