Where To Use Kushaak Construction Warehouse Key In MW2 DMZ

Where To Use Kushaak Construction Warehouse Key In MW2 DMZ
Images via Infinity Ward

Written by 

Harry Boulton


2nd Feb 2023 14:52

The MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse location is definitely one you might be struggling with, as it can be quite hard to pinpoint places on a map as large as Al-Mazrah. There's an abundance of keys in MW2 DMZ that lead to rather unclear locations, but once you found the spot you might be treated to some fantastic loot and keys.

So, continue reading this guide if you want to find out the MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse location, as we have all the details for you down below.

Where to Find the MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse Location

MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse map location
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The MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse location can be found right in the middle of Al-Safwa Quarry. The main warehouse is a Stronghold location and is a permanent marker on the map, but it is actually a separate building that we will be able to use the key on.

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Heading from the north east side of the Quarry, you should enter it and see the giant warehouse with 'Kushaak Construction' imprinted on the side. Looking to the left you should see a smaller building which is slightly submerged in the water.

Jumping on the roof on the left side of this second, smaller building and heading round anti-clockwise should lead you to a door around the back, in which you will be able to use the Kushaak Construction Warehouse key on.

You will need to be careful though, as there are quite a few high level AI enemies around this area who are likely to pick you off from afar. It might be best to approach the door slowly, scouting and taking out any enemies that you see along the way.

What is Inside the MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse?

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As usual, there is no guarantee of exactly what you will find within the MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse, but there are a few possibilities that might entice you.

The main draw of the room is a supply crate inside, which is likely to hold a random contraband weapon alongside six random loot items. This can range from tactical equipment, to standard or expensive loot, and even keys too. It appears that Sa'id City mall keys have been appearing quite frequently too, so if you're doing the MW2 DMZ Mall Rat mission this might be a good place to start.

So, this wraps up this guide for the MW2 DMZ Kushaak Construction Warehouse location, giving you all the information you need to tackle it head on. If you want to know where the MW2 DMZ Zaya Radar Dome location is, make sure to check out our handy guide for all the details.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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