Where To Use Art Museum Key In MW2 DMZ

Where To Use Art Museum Key In MW2 DMZ
Images via Activision

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


2nd Feb 2023 14:46

You may want to know where to use the Art Museum Key in DMZ MW2, if you have come across it during your travels. The Modern Warfare 2 DMZ mode is an extraction shooter based on games like Escape From Tarkov. You'll need to drop into a map to gather loot and complete faction missions, and then extract with everything you've gained without dying. So, if you're looking for a place with lots of loot, check out where to use the Art Museum Key in DMZ MW2

Where To Use The Art Museum Key In DMZ MW2

Where To Use The Art Museum Key In DMZ MW2 key
Click to enlarge

The Art Museum Key is a lootable item that you can find in multiple ways while exploring the Al Mazrah map in the DMZ mode. They can be found by killing AI enemies, taking down HVT contracts, and as random loot anywhere on the ground, but keys can still be lost if you are killed before using it or extracting. 

Where To Use The Art Museum Key In DMZ MW2 map
Click to enlarge

Once you have hold of the Art Museum Key, it's worth extracting with it so you can prep for a new deployment specifically to go to the Art Museum. The Art Museum is located in the Al Mazrah City POI, which can be difficult to navigate to due to the size, other players, and AI combatants. We've marked the museum on the map above so you'll have an easier time finding it.

Once you have located the Art Museum, you'll need to take out any nearby AI enemies and climb the stairs to the second floor of the outside of the building. Here you will come across a door with a graffiti X, which can be unlocked with the Art Museum Key. 

Inside the building, there will be even more AI enemies you need to take out. They have strong weaponry and good armour, so make sure you prepare thoroughly before deploying. After ridding the building of enemies, you should be able to come across a room full of loot, which contains cash, caches of loot, and various items on the ground. Take what you need, and try to extract as quickly as possible to secure the loot. 

That's all for our explainer of where to use the Art Museum Key in DMZ MW2, and now you know how to find the building, along with how to get the loot inside.

You may also want to know, is Building 21 active or inactive in MW2 DMZ?

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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