MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Combos, Perks, Specials, And More

MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Combos, Perks, Specials, And More
Images via Player First Games

Written by 

Dylan Tate


3rd Aug 2022 09:40

The MultiVersus Reindog guide has everything you need to know about Warner Bros. Games’ newest projectile-loving fluffy friend. As a brand new character created for MultiVersus, this fighter has lots of unique strengths that can help you build out your MultiVersus achievements list. For more information on how to win with this character, check out the rest of this MultiVersus Reindog guide.

MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Overview

Reindog shoots a projectile in MultiVersus.
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Reindog is a Support character in MultiVersus. In 2v2s, he thrives when he can hang back and help out his ally by powering up their attacks and keeping them out of harm’s way. In addition, he can set up a wall of projectiles, including his aerial and grounded neutral-normals, making him difficult to approach in both 1v1s and 2v2s. He does best when he can get his projectile game going before an enemy has the chance to rush him down.

However, Reindog is also no slouch when it comes to close quarters combat. He is a Horizontal fighter with unique combo routes and a good amount of kill power. As a result, players should be able to make Reindog work whether they prefer to play aggressively or patiently.

MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Specials

Reindog's crystal shoots a lightning bolt in MultiVersus.
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Reindog’s neutral-special, Love Leash, is a cooldown move that is primarily useful in 2v2s. With it, he sends out a beam that tethers himself to his ally. By pressing the special button again, he will pull his ally toward himself, allowing him to save them from potential edgeguard situations. In addition, this move deals damage but no knockback to any opponents who stand in its path.

For his grounded side-special, Flounce Pounce, Reindog briefly charges up before leaping forward to attack opponents in MultiVersus. The aerial version, Fireworks Master, causes him to spin around and dash forward at a slightly faster speed, making it useful as an approach option.

On the ground, Reindog’s up-special is Power Crystal. He charges a crystal before throwing it into the air, with a longer charge making it go higher. Using this move again while a crystal is already in the air will destroy the current crystal. Every few seconds, the crystal will shoot out a bolt of lightning toward the ground. 


Enemies hit by the lightning bolt will incur the Shocked debuff, which slows them down. Meanwhile, if the lightning bolt hits Reindog or his teammate, they will become Electrified. With this buff, they can apply the Shocked debuff to opponents with the next hit of any of their moves.

In the air, Reindog’s up-special is called Flying Floof. After using this move, Reindog will curl into a ball and boost himself slightly upward. While this attack has minimal utility in Singles, it is more effective in Doubles. After using this move, Reindog temporarily becomes an item that his teammate can pick up and throw to damage opponents. 

Finally, Reindog’s grounded down-special is Fireball. He shoots a fiery projectile in an arc, which travels farther when it is charged, Ignites enemies on hit, and leaves a firewall on the ground. The remaining firewall can also Ignite enemies. 

Ally projectiles that pass through the Fireball can also Ignite opponents. In addition, Reindog can spit out multiple Fireballs before incurring a cooldown, which reduces the duration of the attack. The aerial version of this move is Meteor, a similar projectile that travels at a downward angle and can’t be charged.

MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Perks

Reindog's signature perks in MultiVersus.
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Reindog has access to two signature perks in MultiVersus. Crystal Pal causes his Power Crystal to move through the air following him as it makes its descent toward the ground. Meanwhile, the Fire Fluff perk causes his Fireball to create an even bigger firewall when it hits the ground.

As a fighter whose primary job is to hang back and support or rack up quick damage with combos, Reindog doesn’t gain any Defense perks naturally. Even so, he benefits from the Utility perk Fancy Footwork, which increases his dodge distance by 5%. This effectively buffs his aerial mobility, considering the importance of dodge jumping for moving through the air.

Then, Reindog can buff his offensive game with two Offense perks. The aptly named Make It Rain, Dog! makes his projectiles move 20% faster. Meanwhile, Reindog can deal 5% more damage to debuffed enemies thanks to the Hit ‘Em While They’re Down perk.

MultiVersus Reindog Guide: Combos

Reindog uses his forward-air in MultiVersus.
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Reindog’s forward-air is his best combo starter in MultiVersus. By falling into an opponent with this multi-hit spin attack, he can then follow up with a grounded forward-normal or up-normal. After the grounded up-normal, he will automatically leap into the air and can continue the combo with a two-hit up-air.

Reindog can also pop opponents into the air with his powerful down-air. Conversely, he can take advantage of his slow-moving projectiles to set up unique kills. Players can try launching a projectile off stage, then using his strong grounded down-normal to force their opponent into the projectile.

If you're looking for more MultiVersus guides, check out our dedicated guides page.

Dylan Tate
About the author
Dylan Tate
Dylan Tate is an alumnus of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a gaming journalist with a love for Nintendo esports, particularly Super Smash Bros. and Pokémon.
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