How To Taunt In MultiVersus

How To Taunt In MultiVersus
Images via Player First Games

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


28th Jul 2022 17:56

Some players may want to know how to taunt in MultiVersus, as it can be a valid tactic for annoying opponents into playing worse or just solidifying your win with a cocky dance to really rub their face in it. Taunts are a facet of many modern games, and MultiVersus is no different, giving each character unique taunts, and more general taunts for everyone to utilise. So if you need to know how to taunt in MultiVersus and rile up the opposition in the process, we've got you covered. 

How To Taunt In MultiVersus

How To Taunt In MultiVersus
Click to enlarge

Taunting is an action that can be performed during any point in a game, and can be used for a multitude of purposes from showboating, celebrating victory, annoying the enemy, or even baiting them into an attack. Each character has a taunt unlocked by default, along with a special one that costs MultiVersus Gleamium to unlock, and everyone has a total of four emote slots for taunts, though you can also bind stickers to those slots too. It's likely that each character will also gain more special taunts as the game goes on. 

To perform a taunt, you will need to bind them to one of the emote slots, though everyone has a default taunt bound to the first slot. With a taunt bound, controller users can press the arrows on the D-pad, while keyboard users can use the T, 2, 3, and 4 keys. Obviously, while you are taunting, you are unable to move or attack, so if you want to use them during the rounds do it wisely. 


How To Taunt In MultiVersus: List Of Taunts

Each character has a unique taunt that can be purchased with Gleamium, while others are earned from battle passes. 

Fighter Taunt How To Get
Arya Laugh 350 Gleamium
Batman Accidental Bomb 350 Gleamium
Bugs Bunny Dance Battle Pass
Finn Baby Dance 350 Gleamium
Garnet Tiny Card 500 Gleamium
Harley Quinn Bye Bye 350 Gleamium
Iron Giant Back Scratcher 500 Gleamium
Jake Ballet 500 Gleamium
LeBron James Salsa Dance 500 Gleamium
Reindog Tail Wag 200 Gleamium
Shaggy Shirt Rip 500 Gleamium
Steven Universe Starstruck Battle Pass
Superman Push Ups 500 Gleamium
Taz She-Devil Howl 350 Gleamium
Tom and Jerry Hurt Toe 350 Gleamium
Velma Dance 500 Gleamium
Wonder Woman Weight Lifting Battle Pass


That's all for our explainer of how to taunt in MultiVersus, along with a breakdown of the unique taunts for all characters so far. 

Make sure to also check outr MultiVersus best character tier list for a breakdown of the best characters in the game. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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