How To Turn Off Autoparty With Teammate In MultiVersus

How To Turn Off Autoparty With Teammate In MultiVersus
Images via Player First Games

Written by 

Chris Penwell


28th Jul 2022 15:00

Playing with others online in MultiVersusis extremely entertaining, especially if you're winning every match. However, if you're stuck with someone unskilled or a troll, you'll want to split with them as soon as possible. At that point, you may be dismayed that after a round of three matches, you'll autoparty. Here's how to turn off autoparty in MultiVersus, so you can keep playing solo.

What is Autoparty in MultiVersus?

As MultiVersus is centrally revolved around its 2v2 game mode, the developers at Player First Games have implemented a way for all players to be able to match up as a party at the end of a best of three. This is called autoparty. You can easily turn off this feature if you don't want to group up with strangers online. 

How to disable Autoparty in MultiVersus

Turn Off Autoparty
Click to enlarge

MultiVersus allows you to turn off autoparty from the main menu of the game. Once you're out of a match or a room, go to the central spot where you'll see a character like Wonder Woman standing in front of a stage. On the left side, you'll see a gear icon on the bottom of a list. Click it. 


After that, go all the way down to "Online/Legal" and then you'll find the first tab at the top. It says "Autoparty With Teammate" and there's a checkbox on the right. Click the checkbox to turn off the click. 

Exit out of the "Settings" menu and now you're good to go. You won't have to deny matching up with teammates on the top right of the screen ever again and you can happily kick butt as Superman or LeBron James without interruption. If you're a parent, you'll also have safety in mind as your child won't team up with an anonymous adult online. 

Other features in MultiVersus

MultiVersus Options
Click to enlarge

There are more options available in MultiVersus, including the ability to taunt. And unlike Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you can tease online opponents with a taunt if you'd like. You can also change your name for MultiVersus and unlock various achievements in the fighting game.


Chris Penwell
About the author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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