How Long Is Deliver Us Mars To Beat?

How Long Is Deliver Us Mars To Beat?
Images via KeokeN Interactive

Written by 

Daniel Hollis


8th Feb 2023 17:12

While it can be great to dive into a 100+ hour RPG, sometimes you want something a bit more bite-sized and manageable when it comes to gaming. It can be the perfect palette cleanser and allow games to convey their stories without padding out the runtime.

Deliver Us The Moon was a perfect example of this, and with the recently released Deliver Us Mars, many are wondering what the case is here. Has it been expanded to dramatically increase its playtime? Or does it follow a similar pattern to its predecessor? 

If you want to know how long it takes to beat Deliver Us Mars, we have the answer for you.

How Long Is Deliver Us Mars To Beat?

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Fans of Deliver Us The Moon were greeted with a manageable campaign that took roughly 5 hours to complete. It didn’t outstay its welcome and allowed developer KeokeN Interactive the ability to deliver a perfectly paced story. It was built with action-packed moments and incredible world-building, which has since made it a cult classic.

With the release of Deliver Us Mars, it’s clear the events this time around are a lot grander in scale, with bombastic set pieces and more exploration. But does this come with an elongated runtime? 

From our own experience, the answer is no. A complete 100% playthrough of Deliver Us Mars - which included replaying a few chapters to mop up some achievements - took around 8 hours to complete. For anyone who just wants to experience the story and is not bothered about gathering every collectible, you can expect around 7 hours.

This is a few hours longer than Deliver Us The Moon but still manages to make Deliver Us Mars a manageable gaming experience that can be finished in an evening or two.

Daniel Hollis
About the author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.
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How Long Is Deliver Us Mars To Beat?