Cyberpunk 2077 Max Perk Points

Cyberpunk 2077 Max Perk Points
Images via CD Projekt RED

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


27th Sep 2022 13:02

You may want to know the Cyberpunk 2077 max perk points, as knowing how many perk points you can use overall will help you when it comes to creating your character and knowing what build you want to aim for. Cyberpunk 2077 has many of the typical RPG systems you would expect, with ability points, perk points, levels, deep customisation and more. Perk points let you grab extra bonuses and passive abilities that define how you play the game, and the more of these you can earn, the stronger you will be. So, check out the Cyberpunk 2077 max perk points potential.

  • If you've been enjoying the Edgerunners anime, you may want to know how to get Cyberpunk 2077 Rebecca's Shotgun, which is a powerful scattergun with any build. 

Cyberpunk 2077 Max Perk Points

Cyberpunk 2077 Max Perk Points
Click to enlarge

The max perk points that you can gain during the story will change based on your attribute spread. This means the more points you have in an attribute, the more perks you can spend on the corresponding skills, and the more bonus perks you can potentially earn. You start with 7 perk points, and get a perk point every time you level up, making for a total of 56 perk points from levelling.  

You can also gain bonus perks for hitting thresholds as you level up your individual skills, which max out at 6 or 7. However, you cannot max out every skill, so you'll only be able to get a small selection of bonus perks over the course of the game. Below is a stat build we created to maximise the amount of bonus perk points you can earn:

  • Body - 12 stat points (18 perk points)
  • Reflex - 12 points (17 perk points)
  • Tech - 11 points (10 perk points)
  • Intelligence - 11 points (9 perk points)
  • Cool - 10 points (11 perk points)


If you reach max level and utilise the build we've highlighted above, you should end up with a total of 65 perk points to use, which is the max amount based on our workings. 

Lastly, there are also consumable items called Perk Shards which can be found around the map, or earned as rewards for side jobs or activities. There are a total of 9 of these in the game, and combined with the perk points you get from gaining levels and the stat spread above, you can reach 74 perk points. 

Based on our workings and understandings of the game's systems, the max perk points you can earn is 74, which should allow you to create an incredibly powerful character. With the Cyberpunk 2077 new game plus mode that is on the horizon, this may also increase as players earn more perks during the second run of the campaign. 

That's all for our explanation of the Cyberpunk 2077 max perk points, and now you know how to create a character that can acquire the maximum amount of perks during the game. 

We also have a breakdown of the Cyberpunk 2077 Monowire, which is a powerful cybernetic weapon that can wreak havoc in close-quarters situations. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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