Three Guns Leaked For Vanguard Season 5

Three Guns Leaked For Vanguard Season 5
Activision | BKTOOR Twitter

Written by 

Jack Marsh


27th Jul 2022 16:15

We all kind of thought Vanguard was done, right? Dead and buried. Forgotten about by the developers plundering their efforts into the new age. Hmm, we might be wrong.

Going down swinging, Call of Duty: Vanguard is preparing for its biggest rollout of content to date, and with it comes a range of weapons.

Having already had their very own Suicide Squad of baddies arriving in Vanguard leaked, it now appears that the arsenal that the villains look to bring with them has also slipped into the public eye. 

Vanguard Season 5 Guns Leaked

According to multiple leakers, including "Reality" (who also shed the light on the four villainous operators for Season 5) and "BKTOOR" (a leaker renowned for their accuracy during Black Ops Cold War and early Vanguard content), three guns will be coming in Season 5.

The weaponry will include a pistol for the first time since the game was released, an SMG, and an Assault Rifle.

The three guns, named FN2000, EM1, and KGUN are all expected to be released within the season, although one will likely be held back until the mid-season event.


What Are The Leaked Vanguard Season 5 Guns?

We'll start with the EM1. Maybe Vanguard's WWII setting is well and truly discarded at this point, given that the only other EM1 in Call of Duty history was a plasma-firing rifle from Advanced Warfare. Given Sledgehammer's ties to the futuristic game, it might be one of the most far-fetched crossovers they've done yet. Maybe a more plausible idea is that this EM1 is actually an early build of the EM2 known in Warzone and Modern Warfare - they certainly look similar. 

The FN2000 is also an Assault Rifle by trade, but given that the EM1 is certainly an AR, this gun might have been adapted to be an SMG. It will arrive as a franchise-first weapon, although Vanguard's timeline has moved up once again given that the weapon was only designed in real life in 1995.

Finally, the KGUN is a pistol, most likely fully automatic. Little information is known about this gun, although BKTOOR has shared an image of the gun showcasing quite a long magazine, which is usual for fully-auto guns.

All three weapons are joining four operators and a wealth of more content in Vanguard Season 5, as Sledgehammer Games leaves nothing behind as they put their year in control behind them.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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