Cyberpunk 2077 Confirms Whether It's Coming To Game Pass

Cyberpunk 2077 Confirms Whether It's Coming To Game Pass
CD Projekt Red | Microsoft

Written by 

Tom Chapman


19th Nov 2021 14:48

It was the gaming disaster of the decade/century/all time, and almost as soon as it was released, Cyberpunk 2077 became more than a distant memory. After plenty of speculation the troubled sci-fi shooter could be coming to the Xbox Game Pass, those on top have confirmed what's going on.

We know that the development of modern AAA games is getting increasingly drawn out, but when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, it was a whole new ball game. Originally announced in 2011, the acclaimed developer behind The Witcher series should've had it easy.

Instead, there were delays, glitches in the Matrix, and a game that was almost unplayable on older systems. Putting it simply, Cyberpunk 2077 was its own worst enemy.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Coming To Xbox Game Pass?

Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass business model is one that's up for debate, but as we've seen with the likes of Dead by DaylightSea of Thieves, and No Man's Sky, it can be an invaluable way to bring an otherwise under the radar game to the masses. Cyberpunk 2077 definitely didn't fly under the radar, but with refunds galore and a haemorrhaging player base, some think CDPR would be wise to cut its losses and stick the title on Game Pass.

Speaking to VGC, a CDPR spokesperson confirmed, "There are no Game Pass plans for Cyberpunk 2077." Well, it sounds like that's the end of that. This was echoed by CDPR's Global PR Director, Radek Grabowski - who doubled down on the fact Cyberpunk isn't coming to Game Pass.

Despite delivering some pretty serious updates to overhaul that disastrous launch, Cyberpunk 2077 has still been struck down by delays for its DLCs, while most of us have even forgotten there's supposed to be a multiplayer standalone on the way. We'd say you could do with all the Game Pass help you can get.

Why Did Players Think Cyberpunk 2077 Was Coming To Game Pass?

Cyberpunk 2077 Game Pass
Click to enlarge

This whole debacle is typically chaotic for Cyberpunk 2077. When Microsoft released a video promoting Xbox Cloud Gaming on console, eagle-eyed players noticed a shot halfway through that seemed to be a still from Cyberpunk. The internet soon exploded with the idea the troubled title could come to Game Pass - with many saying it could be its saving grace.

So, what's going on? Fans have confirmed the still in the trailer IS from Cyberpunk 2077's own marketing. Could CDPR be lying to keep a big surprise for the festive season? Going full Spider-Man: No Way Home and keeping a huge surprise back even though leaks have spoiled it is a risky move. There's not a lot of love out there for the developer - especially after that massive data breach.

Then again, it could simply be a mistake on Microsoft's side? Note that it's only CDPR that's spoken out so far. It's up to Xbox to clear up any outstanding confusion. Game Pass is proving to be a lucrative model for the moment, and with Cyberpunk 2077 being just a neon-splashed memory to many, seemingly snubbing Xbox so publicly seems like a bold move.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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