Where Does Elden Ring Take Place?

Where Does Elden Ring Take Place?
Images via FromSoftware

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


7th Mar 2022 12:59

Since its incredibly successful launch, many players are wondering where does Elden Ring take place? A recent meme claimed that Elden Ring takes place in Ohio, and while it would make an interesting twist, it's sadly not true, but the game does have a very fleshed-out world for people to explore. If you want a definite answer on where Elden Ring takes place, along with some general lore to familiarise yourself with the world (that isn't just the Wikipedia entry for Ohio), we've got you covered. 

Where Does Elden Ring Take Place?

Where Does Elden Ring Take Place
Click to enlarge

Elden Ring takes place in a realm called the Lands Between, which is a fantasy land full of monsters, magic, and much more. Writer George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones) was brought in to develop the game world and much of the lore behind it, providing a jumping off point for FromSoftware to develop the story and the current state of the world. 

There are several major areas in the Lands Between that can be found on the Elden Ring map, such as Limgrave, Liurnia, and Caelid just to name a few. Many of these places have their own unique locations, biomes, cultures, and enemies dictated by much of the prior lore written by Martin. By the time the player gets to explore these lands though, they've become a lot more apocalyptic due to an event called the Shattering.


Where Does Elden Ring Take Place: The Shattering

The Shattering was a war that tore the land apart after the titular Elden Ring was shattered. This war was fought between the children of Queen Marika the Eternal - who rules the Lands Between - after they were all corrupted by shards of the ring and driven mad. This also led to a force called the Greater Will to abandon the land, causing it to sink further into despair.

The game begins after all of this occurs, when people called the Tarnished are beckoned back to the land after being exiled. You'll take on the role of one of these exiles, and are tasked with collecting all the pieces of the ring and becoming Elden Lord to try and reinstate the Greater Will over the land again.

That's our quick primer on the Lands Between, so you have a brief understanding of where Elden Ring takes place. You also now know some recent history of the area that leads up to the events of the game.

Struggling with the very first boss you encounter in the game? Here's a rundown of the Elden Ring Tree Sentinel Boss Fight.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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