Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: How To Get The Blasphemous Blade

Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: How To Get The Blasphemous Blade
Images via Bandai Namco

Written by 

Dave McAdam


6th Jan 2023 15:34

The Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade is a formidable greatsword that you can earn as a reward for defeating one of the game's toughest bosses. Elden Ring has a plethora of weapons in various styles that you can utilise, and for those that make use of large weapons like greatswords, you'll want the very best on offer. That's why you'll want to acquire the Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade, so read on below for how to earn it. 

  • To get to this point, you'll need to have beaten two of the demi-gods. For more on how to do that, check out Elden Ring Godrick Boss Fight: How To Beat Godrick the Grafted. 

Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: Where To Go

Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: where to go
Click to enlarge
Bandai Namco

In order to acquire the blade, you need to get to the Altus Plateau. Once you have reached this higher region, go north into the mountains. Near the top of Mt. Gelmir, you will find the Volcano Manor.

This is the home of the Recusants, Tarnished who have turned against their own kind. To start down the path for the sword, you must join them and do the same.

  • On the way to Volcano Manor, you can stop off and pick up one of the most powerful spells in the game. To learn how to get it, check out Elden Ring Comet Azur: Where To Get The Comet Azur Spell.

Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: What You Need To Do

Elden Ring Blasphemous Blade: what to do
Click to enlarge
Bandai Namco

When you get to the Manor, speak with Tanith. She will invite you to join, so do as she asks then go ahead to the drawing-room. Pick up the letter on the table, and you will have your assignment. You must go to Limgrave and kill a Tarnished called Istvan. Do so, then return to Tanith. She will welcome you fully into the group.

From here, you must continue to accept these assignments from the table in the drawing-room. Next is Rileigh, in the north of the Altus Plateau. After that, you must take on Juno in the Mountaintops of the Giants. When you return after killing Juno, Tanith will tell you that you are ready to meet their Lord. Accept and you will be transported to his location.

Ahead you must take on the boss, the God-Devouring Serpent. Defeat it, and then you will face Rykert, Lord of Blasphemy. Conquer this boss and take his Remembrance. Bring the Remembrance of the Blasphemous back to Roundtable Hold and trade it in for the Blasphemous Blade.

With that, you have acquired the Blasphemous Blade. For more on the game, check out how to get the best spirit summon in the game in Elden Ring Mimic Tear: How To Get The Mimic Tear Ash.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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