Warzone Fortune's Keep Map: Release Date, POIs, And Easter Eggs

Warzone Fortune's Keep Map: Release Date, POIs, And Easter Eggs
Raven Software

Written by 

Jack Marsh


14th Jun 2022 18:50

A new map is on the horizon for Warzone. The Fortune's Keep release date is just over the hill, as Raven Software officially announced that the brand-new landscape will be landing in the battle royale title sooner, rather than later. The miniature battleground is set to come in place of the popular Rebirth Island, replicating the helter-skelter gameplay but with new POIs and multiple Easter Eggs to get to grips with. With the map already exciting fans, here's all you need to know about the Fortune's Keep release date, POIs, and Easter Eggs

Fortune's Keep Release Date

If you're an avid lover of Rebirth Island, you might want to get as much playing time in as possible over the next week, as Fortune's Keep is coming this month.

Fortune's Keep will be landing as part of the Warzone Season 4 update, which is scheduled for June 22, 2022. This means you have just over one week left of the Alcatraz-based map, with a new 40-man landscape coming.

Fortune's Keep POIs

Designed entirely for Resurgence, Fortune's Keep will be birthed in a similar fashion to its predecessor, although the lack of a famous landmark such as Alcatraz is omitted. The familiarities start and end with it being set on an island, with the centrepiece of the map being to the northern region, labelled "Keep".




Almost in a Red Keep Game of Thrones style, the building appears to be the epicentre of danger, with nearby areas such as "Terraces" and "Gatehouse" adding a somewhat medieval feeling to a map designed in the 70's. 

In total, there are 12 Foretune's Keep POIs, which can be found below...

  • Bay
  • Camp
  • Gatehouse
  • Graveyard
  • Grotto
  • Keep
  • Lighthouse
  • Overlook
  • Smuggler's Cove
  • Terraces
  • Town
  • Winery

Fortune's Keep POIs
Click to enlarge


Fortune's Keep Map Size

Original reports from popular Call of Duty mathematician James "JGOD" Godon indicated that Fortune's Keep is three times the size of Rebirth island. However, this has since been debunked, by himself, and it now appears that while Fortune's Keep is slightly bigger, it's not by much.

Mostly, it appears that a little more surrounding area has been added, albeit Town in the South-Western most point seems to be quite a hot-point for high-tier loot and busy buildings. 

Fortune's Keep Easter Eggs

While the map is not yet released, this hasn't stopped the developers already teasing Easter Eggs. With Easter Egg guru Treyarch undoubtedly whispering in the ears of Raven Software, "multiple" challenges will lie within the map to add some cool lore and provide an advantage to the egg crackers.

Senior Creative Director, Ted Timmins, simply said, "plural" to players asking about "super difficult, highly rewarding easter eggs", leaving expecting fans quite excited.

With only a week's notice until Fortune's Keep arrives, it might be best to scrub up on your best Warzone SMG loadouts, with the map definitely being a paradise for sweats.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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