Warzone 2 Birdseye Perk Explained

Warzone 2 Birdseye Perk Explained
Images via Activision

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


18th Jan 2023 14:33

What's all this talk regarding the Warzone 2 Birdseye Perk? Now that Perks work in Warzone 2, the community has figured out that the Birdseye Perk is exceptionally strong, bordering on broken. This guide will overview the Warzone 2 Birdseye Perk and explain why everyone in Warzone 2 is using this Perk.

Warzone 2 Birdseye Perk Explained

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The Birdseye Perk is an Ultimate Perk available in MW2 and Warzone 2. Its description reads, "UAV and Radar pings reveal the enemy's direction". 

Typically, when you use a UAV or an enemy pops on the minimap via a Portable Radar, you get a glimpse of their general location. However, with the Birdseye Perk equipped, you will also see what direction the opponents are currently facing and travelling in. Essentially, Birdseye turns UAVs into Advanced UAVs.

Why Is Everyone Using The Birdseye Perk In Warzone 2?

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Upon reading what the Birdseye Perk does, you may wonder why it's so popular in Warzone 2. Well, the Birdseye Perk offers some underlying benefits not mentioned in its written description.

Most notably, with the Birdseye Perk equipped, every time someone in the match uses a UAV, you will receive the benefits for a brief moment. That's right — when an opposing squad activates a UAV, you yourself get to see where foes are on the minimap and the direction they are heading. 

This bonus isn't as useful in standard Modern Warfare 2 matches featuring teams of six on condensed maps. But on Al Mazrah, with 150 players in a lobby, the Birdseye Perk will result in your minimap constantly blinking with intel.

Furthermore, Operators with the Ghost Perk equipped are not safe from the effects of the Birdseye Perk. So, there's no counter to Birdseye. Birdseye functions as an all-seeing eye casting its gaze over Al Mazrah.

How To Get The Birdseye Perk In Warzone 2

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Since you can't currently use Custom Perk Packages in Warzone 2, the only way to reap the rewards of Birdseye is to equip the Recon Preset Package. While it's unfortunate that you can't handcraft the rest of your Perks, the other Perks featured in the Recon Package - Double Time, Tracker, and Focus - aren't too shabby.

With the Birdseye Perk equipped, you must secure your Custom Loadout in-game to receive the benefits of your Perk Package.

So, now you know why everyone is using the Birdseye Perk in Warzone 2. Equip the Recon Package, collect your Custom Loadout, and prepare to dominate the opposition with your superior reconnaissance.

Learn how to get Custom Loadouts in Warzone 2 and how to buy Loadouts with Loadout Drop Grenades in Warzone 2.

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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