Does Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Have A Battle Pass?

Does Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Have A Battle Pass?
Images via Rocksteady

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


17th Jan 2023 12:28

You may want to know, does Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League have a battle pass? Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is the long-awaited next entry in Rocksteady's Arkhamverse, which hasn't been explored since 2015's Batman: Arkham Knight.

The hype is starting to grow as the game is entering the final stages of development for its May 26 release date, but recent leaks have players wondering about the potential inclusion of a battle pass system. So, read on for a breakdown of whether Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League will have a battle pass.

Does Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Have A Battle Pass?

Based on an image leaked on January 17, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League will feature a battle pass for players to work through. The leaked image was first noticed on 4Chan, before it was spread through Reddit and Twitter, with lots of discussions centred on the battle pass and currencies visible.

The picture shows the game's busy main menu, which features various tabs for different menus along the top, along with options to select chapters, difficulty, and matchmaking. One of the most notable options along the top is for a battle pass, which has some players worried about what content it may feature.

While battle passes can certainly be abused, according to a development source close to VGC, the battle pass will only be focused on cosmetic items like skins for the characters. This source also elaborated on the different currencies that can be seen below the top menu, which are reportedly XP that's unique to each character, letting you level them up separately.

It seems like the battle pass won't feature any game-changing aspects like new characters or extra XP for leveling up, but we won't know for sure until we get an actual look at its content.

That's all for our answer to the question "does Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League have a battle pass?". Now you know the game will have a battle pass based on a recently leaked image.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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