Sigrun God Of War: How To Beat Valkyrie Queen

Sigrun God Of War: How To Beat Valkyrie Queen
Images via Sony Santa Monica

Written by 

Ben Williams


11th Oct 2022 16:45

Arguably the hardest boss in God of War, Sigrun is everything you could expect when going up against the Valkyrie Queen. Although an optional boss, fighting the leader of the Valkyries can feel mercilessly brutal for the unprepared. So, here is everything you need to know as part of our Sigrun God of War guide on how to beat the Valkyrie Queen.

Sigrun God of War - Kratos Build To Beat Valkyrie Queen

sigrun god of war how to beat the valkyrie queen kratos build
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The right build for your Kratos to take on the Valkyrie Queen depends entirely on your preferred way to play. However, being at least Level 7 is a must in being able to deliver and take enough damage to get through the fight - and if you happen to be able to get yourself to Level 8 and beyond, even better. 

After taking your level into account, the best choice of armour comes down to what you want to prioritise: Strength, Defence, Health, or Runic Attacks. The overall best armour in the base game would be the Mist Armour. Along with high Strength and Runic stats, the Mist Armour comes with a valuable health regeneration perk that stacks with each piece worn.  

If you really want to emphasise on Runic Attacks with extra Defence, another option is Sindri's Royal Dwarven Armour - bolstering your Runic and Cooldown whilst adding a perk that grants you a damage-proof protective barrier when activated. 


No matter which of these two armour sets you choose though, you'll need to focus on Runic Attacks. Sigrun moves around frequently at high speeds, so the key is to chain lots of attacks all at once when you have the opportunity, using both the Leviathan Axe and Blades of Chaos in quick succession.

A proven loadout of Runic Attacks included Hel's Touch for a Light Axe Attack, Frost Giant's Frenzy for your Heavy Axe Attack, Rampage of the Furies for the Light Attack using the Blades of Chaos, then Fires of Ares for the Blades' Heavy Attack.

Sigrun God of War - Atreus Build To Beat Valkyrie Queen

sigrun god of war how to beat valkyrie queen atreus build
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Atreus of course has a lot fewer options to consider but is no less important given how intense this boss fight can get - potentially just a few slivers of damage being the difference between victory or failure. Atreus' Runic Summon is always a tough choice, but the ideal selection here is Wrath of the Wolf. It does less damage than Murder of Crows, but it has a faster Cooldown, making it better for stunning Sigrun more over a longer fight. 

The only armour you should be considering for Atreus really is the Legendary Sharpshooter Garb, massively reducing the Talon Bow's recharge time. Also, equip a Berserker Resurrection Stone so you can also revive to get directly into Rage Mode if you need it. 

Sigrun God of War - How To Beat Valkyrie Queen

sigrun god of war how to beat the valkyrie queen
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First of all, if you want to have the best chance of defeating Sigrun to get the Choose of the Slain trophy, switch to Easy Mode. Unless you want the potential thrill of beating her on a higher difficulty, it will make things much easier. 

As mentioned, Sigrun moves around a lot in very frequent bursts. So, keep locked on her throughout the fight, and keep having Atreus pepper her with shock arrows whenever able (regular arrows have no effect). Her most punishing of attack patterns will be where she takes to the sky in an attempt to get the drop on you three times in a row. If you keep dodging, you'll get the chance to bombard her with all four of your Runic Attacks in a row. As a bonus, have Atreus use Wrath of the Wolf whilst switching weapons to make sure she's kept stunned. 

Overall, it's best to keep your distance, continue dodging until the Valkyrie Queen gets up close, and is open to attack. This way, you'll not only keep avoiding as much damage as possible, you'll also be giving extra breathing room for your Cooldown to later bombard her in a massive 5-hit combo of Runic Attacks and Atreus' Runic Summon. The Berserker Resurrection Stone and Rage Mode are ideal as insurance for an extra life and health boosts, but ultimately, this strategy will pay off with patience.

Defeat Sigrun, and you'll unlock the Chooser of the Slain trophy, an interesting drop of lore, and a decent batch of loot: Sigrun’s Helmet, Njörd’s Temporal Stone, Perfect Asgardian Steel, Retribution, and Asgardian Steel. 

If you've used this Sigrun God of War guide to competition, congratulations on successfully learning how to beat the Valkyrie Queen! You might need to do so again, since defeating Sigrun and two other certain Valkyries in New Game Plus is key to unlocking the truly best armour in God of War. Are you yet to start New Game Plus? Then here is everything that carries over for you

For even more God of War guides, you can find them right here at GGRecon. 

Ben Williams
About the author
Ben Williams
Ben is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. After getting his start writing film and game reviews for Alt:Mag, he went on to write for other sites including KeenGamer, Overclockers, GameByte, and FragHero. All about action-adventure games, RPGs, and anime, Ben is often found thinking about either Pokémon or the next Mass Effect game.
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