Can You Play Overwatch 2 On Mac?

Can You Play Overwatch 2 On Mac?
Images by Activision Blizzard

Written by 

Maya Hutchinson


22nd Dec 2022 14:19

The widely popular first-person shooter Overwatch is now free in the form of Overwatch 2. Though rather than pay for it and then proceed to pay for cosmetics, now players only need to pay for skins, souvenirs and various other uninfluential items. The game's secondary release has seen mixed reviews, with most unimpressed with the choice of changes from the first game and an unnecessary amount of monetization. Though that won't stop people from playing it, and a number of Mac players want to know if they can play Overwatch 2 on Mac. 

Is Overwatch 2 On Mac?

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Long story short, no. 

Overwatch 2 is not supported on Mac, though it is on most other gaming platforms. That being said if you have an Intel Mac, you can still run Overwatch 2 through Bootcamp. If you have a newer M1 or M2 Mac, however, the only way you can run Overwatch 2 is via a streaming service, which is our least favourite method to run a Windows game on Mac. 

But using Battlenet will simply not work as the game is not supported on Mac. Though this does beg the question, will Overwatch 2 ever come to Mac? 

Tim Ford, lead engineer for Overwatch, unfortunately, said:

"We have no plans of giving this game on the Mac. There are several technology decisions that Apple has made that has made it a little difficult for us to release Overwatch in the way we want it to be consumed, and that is why we haven’t pursued it."

As such, it certainly seems like Overwatch 2 will not be coming to Mac at all, certainly not anytime soon. If you are still keen to play, you still have the options to play it with most major gaming platforms - or you can play it through a streaming camp or windows emulator, though both these methods aren't especially reliable and can affect the game's performance. 

For more Overwatch 2 guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Maya Hutchinson
About the author
Maya Hutchinson
Originally from Monaco, Maya grew up among F1 racing and gambling but her interests were instead drawn to writing and gaming, even graduating with both a BA and MA in Creative Writing. Now Maya is a Freelance writer - having also written for WePC - but is also working on other creative projects, one of which includes writing a novel.
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