Overwatch 2 Season 3: Loverwatch Dating Sim Explained

Overwatch 2 Season 3: Loverwatch Dating Sim Explained
Images via Blizzard

Written by 

Daniel Hollis


8th Feb 2023 17:07

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and it’s this time of year that developers begin celebrating the event in their games. Blizzard has made no exception to this rule, as of course, Overwatch 2 will also be hosting an event to commemorate the occasion. 

Under the guise of Loverwatch Dating Sim, players can expect to immerse themselves in a unique dating sim containing fan-favourite characters. If you want to know everything there is to know about the romance-fuelled Loverwatch Dating Sim in Overwatch 2, then you’ve come to the right place.

Overwatch 2 Season 3: Loverwatch Dating Sim Explained

Unlike other Valentine’s Day events, Loverwatch Dating Sim is a complete web browser-based experience. It sees players engaging in a text-based adventure game, where you can either romance Mercy or Genji, depending on your preference.

Hanzo, in a cupid form, will guide you along the way as you choose between various dialogue choices in an attempt to successfully seduce either character. It’s a unique concept and one that is said to take roughly 30 minutes to complete.

There is even a secret ending to discover, and for those that do so, a unique Play of the Game highlight intro will be unlocked in Overwatch 2.

It’s been made clear by Blizzard that Loverwatch Dating Sim is in no way canon to Overwatch 2, so don’t worry, you running off into the sunset with Mercy isn’t going to change the trajectory of the game’s narrative.

Overwatch 2 Season 3: Loverwatch Dating Sim Release Date

Loverwatch Dating Sim is set to begin on February 13 and will run until February 28. For anyone that wishes to participate, simply visit the official Loverwatch Dating Sim website.

Overwatch 2 Season 3: Valentine’s Day Events

Alongside Loverwatch Dating Sim, Overwatch 2 will also be supporting numerous events in-game. For starters, a unique limited-time mode will see 4v4 players facing each other as Hanzo.

There will also be a set of Valentine’s Day-themed challenges to complete in order to unlock exclusive skins and other rewards to use in-game.

Daniel Hollis
About the author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.
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