How To Catch Snowballs In Overwatch 2

How To Catch Snowballs In Overwatch 2
Images by Blizzard Activision

Written by 

Maya Hutchinson


22nd Dec 2022 14:17

The first Overwatch 2 Holiday season is here and with it, we see the return of all the previous holiday Winter Wonderland game modes with very few changes from the original game. For Overwatch veterans, not much has changed in terms of these special game modes and you'll find that a lot remains the same - but to new players, these snowfight-themed arcade games might be a little confusing. 

Overwatch 2 Winter Brawl 

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From Dec. 13 to Jan. 4, Overwatch players can enjoy four game modes.

In Overwatch 2, the Holiday season sees the addition of the Winter Brawls, a number of different Arcade game modes that are all themed around snow and ice. Freezethaw Elimination is the only one that is new to Overwatch 2, with the others having been around during the first game's runtime. 

  • Freezethaw Eliminations
  • Snowball Deathmatch
  • Yeti Hunter
  • Mei's Snowball Offensive 

Only two utilize the snowball system, where you play Mei and no longer does your gun spit out icicles or powdered snow but rather a hard-hitting snowball. 

How To Catch Snowballs In Overwatch 2

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The whole concept of the Snowball Deathmatch is simple, though there are a few tricks that might be able to give you the upper hand against your foes. One particular trick is to catch incoming snowballs, allowing you to instantly throw them back, catching the other Mei by surprise. Essentially turning Mei into a makeshift Genji with his deflect, though it requires some finesse it can certainly catch the opponent by surprise. 

To catch a snowball depends on your button layout, but it simply is your melee. Unless you've changed your layout, that’s the V key on PC, R3 on PlayStation, and RS on Xbox.

When you melee, Mei will raise her hand with an open palm for a very brief moment. This is a high-risk move since you have to wait until the snowball almost hits you before pressing the melee button. If you press it too early or too late, you’ll get hit with the snowball and so it's worth practicing a few times before you nail the timing.

You'll also want to bear in mind that the catching mechanic has a cooldown. It’s only a few seconds, but you might not be able to hold up your hand during key moments. Use this trick sparingly and at the right moments and be sure to aim right back at your target. But at the end of it all, make sure you're having fun! 

For more Overwatch 2 guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Maya Hutchinson
About the author
Maya Hutchinson
Originally from Monaco, Maya grew up among F1 racing and gambling but her interests were instead drawn to writing and gaming, even graduating with both a BA and MA in Creative Writing. Now Maya is a Freelance writer - having also written for WePC - but is also working on other creative projects, one of which includes writing a novel.
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