How To Get Longshot Kills In Modern Warfare 2

How To Get Longshot Kills In Modern Warfare 2
Images via Activision

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


4th Jan 2023 09:38

Are you trying to figure out the best way to get longshot kills in MW2? Aiming for longshot kills in Modern Warfare 2 can be a drag, but you'll eventually need to rack them up to unlock the Mastery Camos. If you want to knock this task out as painlessly as possible, use the tips below to get longshot kills in Modern Warfare 2.

Modern Warfare 2 Longshot Kills Requirements

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Longshot kills are self-explanatory. To secure a longshot kill, you must achieve a kill from an exceptional distance. Below is a comprehensive list of how far you must be from your target for it to count as a longshot kill:

  • Shotguns: 12.5m
  • Pistols: 20m
  • SMGs: 30m
  • Assault Rifles: 38m
  • Battle Rifles: 38m
  • LMGs: 38m
  • Marksman Rifles: 38m
  • Sniper Rifles: 50m

  • Understanding the MW2 different aim response curve types may help in your quest for longshot kills.

How To Get Longshot Kills In Modern Warfare 2

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The best strategy for getting longshot kills depends on what class of weapon you're using. If you're trying to get longshots with Shotguns or Pistols, close-quarters maps like Shipment and Shoot House are ideal.

For SMGs, Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, LMGs, and Marksman Rifles, almost any 6v6 map will do. However, MW2's Tier 1 playlists are almost a cheat code when it comes to longshot kills. Since Operators have less health in Tier 1, putting down enemies at a distance is effortless. 

When you get to Sniper Rifles, you'll almost exclusively want to go for your longshot kills in Ground War. Ground War maps are enormous, so it's far less difficult to eliminate opponents from 50m or more away than it is on the 6v6 maps.

To make those long-range kills easier to pull off, consider equipping your weapons with attachments that boost stats like Accuracy, Range, and Control. In particular, the XTEN Angel-40 Optic actually displays how far away your target is, so you'll always know if you're far enough away for it to count as a longshot kill. Alternatively, mounting your weapon will allow you to gun opponents from afar with little issue.

Longshot kills in Modern Warfare 2 are a tedious task, but they're a necessary evil if you want to unlock MW2 Platinum Camos, and eventually, the almighty MW2 Orion Camo.

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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