Jack Link's MW2: Is The Ghillie Suit Skin Still Available?

Jack Link's MW2: Is The Ghillie Suit Skin Still Available?
Images via Activision

Written by 

Joshua Boyles


3rd Nov 2022 15:46

Having the best skins in Modern Warfare 2 is vitally important, so you might be wondering how you can unlock the Jack Link's MW2 Ghillie Suit skin. There are plenty of promotional offers going on right now with the launch of Modern Warfare 2, including Burger King. One of the biggest collaborations this year is with Jack Link's, the manufacturer of your favourite beef jerky snacks. But is this promotion still ongoing, and can you unlock the Jack Link's MW2 Ghillie Suit skin? Read on the find out.

Jack Link's MW2: Can You Still Unlock The Skin?

Unlocking the Jack Link's MW2 skin used to be a relatively simple process. All you needed to do was to go to your local store and purchase at least four packs of Jack Link's products. These could be packs of Beef Jerky, Spicy Dill Pickle Pork Strips, or any other packet that has the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 promotional packaging. In the US, these packs were only found in Walmart stores. Sadly, these packs were not unavailable in the UK.

Once you had a valid Jack Link's MW2 product, a redemption code would be on the outside of the bag. You'd need to head to the official Call of Duty website and log in to your account. Once that was complete, you'd then copy the code from your Jack Link's product onto the website. Clicking 'Submit' would add the rewards to your account.

There were four tiers of rewards for redeeming Jack Link's MW2 product codes in-game. They would be unlocked in order with each new code you redeem:

  1. Sasquatch Animated Emblem
  2. Sasquatch Animated Player Card
  3. Sasquatch Weapon Charm
  4. Sasquatch Character Skin

Once you had unlocked these four rewards, consequent codes would provide you with double XP tokens, which were still pretty handy to have.

However, this promotional offer was for a limited time only as the packs were only sold before October 31st 2022. As such, if you don't already own one of Jack Link's MW2 promotional packs, then you had missed out on the free rewards. The only way that you can still obtain these items is by purchasing one of the product keys that are floating around reseller sites like eBay, usually for extortionate prices.

For more Modern Warfare 2 guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Joshua Boyles
About the author
Joshua Boyles
Josh is the Guides Editor at GGRecon. He has previously written for GameByte and FragHero, and loves to play the medic role in team shooters. When not gaming, he can be found putting in the miles on his road bike.
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