MW2: How To Unlock Fender

MW2: How To Unlock Fender
Images via Activision

Written by 

Joshua Boyles


9th Jan 2023 16:08

If you're playing the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, then you might be wondering how to unlock Fender. In Modern Warfare 2, you can choose between a bunch of character models to represent your soldier. These are known as Operators and come with a variety of different aesthetics. However, to unlock new Operators, you must complete specific challenges.  Here's everything that you need to know about how to unlock Fender in Modern Warfare 2.

MW2: How To Unlock Fender

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At first glance, Fender seems incredibly easy to unlock. All you need to do is earn two Operator kills in a single match. Sounds easy, right? Well, it turns out that those two Operator kills must be completed with a Launcher weapon. This makes the challenge significantly harder.

While there are several launchers that you can use in Modern Warfare 2, we recommend using the RPG to complete this challenge. This is because it can be fired quickly without needing to lock on to anything. Additionally, it deals a lot of splash damage, which means you have a chance to kill your enemy even if you don't land a direct hit.

A surefire way to get two kills in a single match is by loading into the Shipment 24/7 playlist. These matches often have multiple enemies clumped up together, making it much easier to earn kills with Launcher weapons.

If you haven't unlocked the RPG in the weapon tree just yet, you can load into Warzone 2.0 and complete the challenge there. RPGs often spawn as ground loot in Al Mazrah, so you should be able to find one. Then, keep an eye out for enemy vehicles passing through your area. A couple of shots to a Jeep, Tank, or Helicopter should earn you a couple of kills with ease.

Once you've completed this Operator challenge, you should be able to equip Fender from the Operator selection menu.

That's everything you need to know about how to unlock Fender in Modern Warfare 2. Keep reading GGRecon for more Modern Warfare 2 guides.

Joshua Boyles
About the author
Joshua Boyles
Josh is the Guides Editor at GGRecon. He has previously written for GameByte and FragHero, and loves to play the medic role in team shooters. When not gaming, he can be found putting in the miles on his road bike.
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