Is MW2 Free To Play?

Is MW2 Free To Play?
Images via Infinity Ward

Written by 

Harry Boulton


30th Oct 2022 12:37

Some players might be asking the question, 'is MW2 free to play?' as many of the biggest shooters on the market have moved more towards the more modern model. Modern Warfare 2 follows in a line of extremely high selling games, but current gaming trends, and one rather significant market deal could dramatically change the way you access the latest Call of Duty titles. So, if you're wanting to find out whether MW2 is free to play, make sure to carry on reading this guide below.

  • Wondering what the MW2 Invasion mode is? Have a read to find out all of the details if you're unsure.

Is MW2 Free To Play?

Is MW2 Free To Play?
Click to enlarge

Unfortunately, at least at the point of release, Modern Warfare 2 is not free to play. The standard edition of the game will cost you £69.99/$69.99 on console and £59.99/$59.99 on PC, with the special Vault Edition of the game bumping the price up to £99.99/$99.99.

While this is standard for Call of Duty games, and falls in line with the pricing for most high profile titles released on recent consoles, it does go against the grain of modern multiplayer shooters. The other biggest shooters in the world right now are mostly free-to-play, and this has even been adopted by Activision, who have recently moved Overwatch to the F2P model.


This is not to say that Call of Duty has not been somewhat affected by this shift in the market though, as their other leading title Warzone is entirely free to play, and this will continue with Warzone 2, and most likely the new DMZ mode too.

Will MW2 Be Free To Play In The Future?

Will MW2 Be Free To Play In The Future?
Click to enlarge

However, the ongoing purchase of Activision by Microsoft could potentially see Call of Duty become somewhat free-to-play, as it would almost certainly be put on the Game Pass service as a day one title. While you do of course need to subscribe to Game Pass, it would by proxy mean that if you were already on the service, the game would arrive for free. 

As of right now though, MW2 is not on Game Pass, and it might not be until at least the next Call of Duty title that we get such an addition to the service.

So, that should answer any questions of 'is MW2 free to play?', while also giving a potential projection of future plans for the series. If you've picked up the game already though, and are wondering how to change FOV settings in MW2, make sure to have a read of our guide for an explanation and comparison.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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