Where To Use Algae Covered Toolbox Key In MW2 DMZ

Where To Use Algae Covered Toolbox Key In MW2 DMZ
Images via Activision

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


16th Jan 2023 11:47

You'll need to know where to use the Algae Covered Toolbox Key in DMZ, as the location is extremely hidden and requires you to go for a little swim in the middle of a warzone. The Modern Warfare 2 DMZ mode has been a breath of fresh air for some players, giving them a more tense Call of Duty experience based on extraction shooters. Whenever you deploy in DMZ, you'll want to make the most of it by collecting the best loot, so make sure you check out where to use the Algae Covered Toolbox Key in DMZ

Where To Use The Algae Covered Toolbox Key In DMZ

Where To Use The Algae Covered Toolbox Key In DMZ
Click to enlarge

Keys can be found in numerous ways in the DMZ game mode, and you may have discovered the Algae Covered Toolbox Key by chance after defeating another player, killing an AI opponent, completing a HVT contract, or just scouring the map. If you found the key, make sure you extract with it to keep it safe, and if you want to use it next time you deploy, make sure you equip it in your backpack. 

Once you have the Algae Covered Toolbox Key, you will need to deploy and head to the Al Mazrah City POI, which is on the northeast of the map. In the city, you'll want to head to the waterway near the middle, which is east of the large river that runs all the way through the city. We've marked the exact location on the map above. 

Dive into the water and search the riverbed to locate the toolbox, which should be just below the pedestrian bridge. You can use the Algae Covered Toolbox key here to open the toolbox up and collect any of the loot inside. You'll get some XP for opening the lock, but the loot inside can range from random junk to even more keys, 

That's all for our walkthrough on how to use the Algae Covered Toolbox Key in DMZ, and now you should be able to locate the toolbox in Al Mazrah City and grab the loot. 

Looking for where to use even more keys? Check out where to use the Art Museum Key in DMZ MW2

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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