MW2 Combat Record: How To Check

MW2 Combat Record: How To Check
Images via Activision

Written by 

Hritwik Raj


28th Oct 2022 16:35

The latest entry in the long-running first-person shooter Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2, received a massive overhaul to its UI compared to its predecessors, along with other nuances that make the first-time experience fresh. As a result, players accustomed to Modern Warfare 2019 and Call of Duty Vanguard UI and its features or who are new to the franchise are finding it hard to find their K/D and other stats. Many are trying to know how to check Combat Records in Modern Warfare 2 since they are not able to find it in-game. Continue reading our guide to learn about Modern Warfare 2 Combat Record and how to check it. 

How To Check Combat Record In MW2

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When writing this article, the leaked Modern Warfare 2 feature, Combat Record, which showcased stats like time played per mode, top weapon in the last ten games, K/D ratio, win and loss ratio, time played, total games played, and other things, is not present in Modern Warfare 2

The leak was first shared by data miner @CODSploitzImgz, who tweeted a link to the Telescope Webkit page that shared the initial look at the Modern Warfare 2 Combat Record. But since the Telescope Webkit is open-source software that is mostly used in designing the UI of some of the most recent Call of Duty games, it would come as no surprise if the Modern Warfare 2 Combat Record was fan-made and had nothing to do with the actual game. 


But since the original post and the website were taken down by Activision. Many thought Modern Warfare 2 was getting the Combat Records feature, while some took it with a massive grain of salt. 

  • Check out our does MW2 have Zombies? guide to learn whether the latest installment in the COD franchise will offer a Zombies game mode. 

As we mentioned earlier, there are no official details on the existence of Combat Records in Modern Warfare 2. Neither Infinity Ward nor anyone from Activision has confirmed its arrival. 

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Currently, there is no option or menu to check your overall KD or other stats in Modern Warfare 2. The same was the case when the game was available in beta. The only menu we have is Home, Social, and Progression. Unlike games like Warzone, we do not have a dedicated Barracks menu where we can find the overall K/D and other stats. 

The only way to check your K/D and a few other stats in Modern Warfare 2 is at the end of every match. You can see the K/D and other stats for the respective game at the end. 

That concludes our guide on how to check Combat Record in Modern Warfare 2. For more Modern Warfare 2 guides, be sure to keep reading GGRecon.

Hritwik Raj
About the author
Hritwik Raj
Hritwik has been writing about video games, manga, and anime for more than 8 years. Some of his favourite games include The Last of Us Part II, Fallout 76, Apex Legends, Genshin Impact, and the Souls series.
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