When Is The Next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV?

When Is The Next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV?
Images via Battlestate Games

Written by 

Harry Boulton


10th Aug 2022 16:42

Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV is the semi-frequent broadcast from the game's developer Battlestate Games where they show off various pieces of new content in the pipeline. As Escape From Tarkov is technically still in beta, there is still a fair amount of content still to come to the game, so TarkovTV acts as a good way to show it off. So, to find out when the next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV is, make sure to carry on reading.

What Is Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV?

What Is Escape From Tarkov Tarkov TV?
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The Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV broadcast is one of the main ways the developers like to communicate various updates and content drops to the player base outside of social media channels like Twitter. 

Each episode usually lasts about an hour and a half, but it varies depending on what exactly they have to show. Often they will tease Escape From Tarkov new guns that are coming to the game, or any upcoming new maps or expansions. 

It is also a place where they like to at least tease an upcoming Escape From Tarkov wipe, but it is not exclusively used for this, nor is it usually the official announcement of the new wipe, so don't get your hopes up too much.

Finally, they can also integrate drops into these streams, either through Twitch directly, or through various codes, you can redeem on the Escape From Tarkov website to receive exciting in-game items. These are used to incentivise you to watch, especially for the whole broadcast, but a lot of fans don't need any extra convincing.

When Is The Next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV?

Battlestate Games have announced the first edition of TarkovTV since the 12.12.30 wipe, and it is coming August 11, 5PM BST/9AM PDT. You'll be able to watch it broadcasted live on the Battlestate Games Twitch channel.


There will be at least a couple more editions of TarkovTV throughout the 12.12.30 patch cycle, but this at least indicates the potential of an upcoming in-game event or content drop.

What Will Be Announced In The Next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV?

Escape From Tarkov Tarkov TV what to expect
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While we don't have any specifics beyond the generic promise of 'new content and features in the next update' there are a couple of things that we can speculate might be shown in the newest episode of TarkovTV.

One of the biggest things that is likely to be shown, or at least discussed is the new Escape From Tarkov Arena game mode, which we will hopefully see playtesting of as the summer approaches its end. We should hopefully at least see some more gameplay, but hopefully, a release date is around the corner too. 

We could also see information around an upcoming in-game event too, with the Lighthouse Keeper's story left rather loose at this current time. Many players have speculated that he will join as a new trader, but this is still yet to be seen.

Furthermore, Battlestate has teased some new weapons on their Twitter too, with the SR2 Veresk being explicitly shown as being worked on, so we could see some more concrete footage of that here. That weapon in particular would be especially exciting as it uses the powerful 9x21mm ammunition that is currently only used by the SR-1MP, so could very well shift up the meta a bit.

Finally, while sometimes a TarkovTV is used to give information about a wipe, it is very unlikely that we see anything here, as it has only been about a month and a half since patch 12.12.30 dropped. Still expect to see 'when wipe' spammed in the chat though, despite the answer always being next Thursday.

So, that's everything you need to know about the next Escape From Tarkov TarkovTV episode, giving you details about when it is happening and what to expect. For more information about everything that arrived with the most recent wipe, make sure to check out these Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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