Escape From Tarkov Wipe Date And Schedule

Escape From Tarkov Wipe Date And Schedule
Images via Battlestate Games

Written by 

Harry Boulton


17th Jan 2023 12:00

The Escape From Tarkov wipe date and schedule are kept relatively secret by Battlestate Games. We can roughly infer when the wipe will happen in Escape From Tarkov but you will never know for sure. However, we can look at when the past wipes have happened and take an educated guess as to when the next Escape From Tarkov wipe date and schedule will be.

What Is The Escape From Tarkov Wipe?

What is the Escape From Tarkov wipe
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If you’re new to the game you might be wondering exactly what Escape From Tarkov wipes are. First and foremost, they are Battlestate Games’ way of balancing the economy and progression in Tarkov to keep the game fresh and stop players from being too strong.

When a wipe happens, all of your items, guns, armour, and money is - you guessed it - wiped from your account in the form of a hard reset. Your account then returns to its ‘original’ state in line with whichever of the Escape From Tarkov editions that you purchased. The wipes also act as a way of forcing players to not hoard their items and actually use them, as you never know when it will all be erased from the game. Additionally, any quest progress or trader reputations are gone, along with your level progress too.

With new wipes often comes new content, with guns, armour, and items being added to the game alongside various balance changes.

Escape From Tarkov Wipe Schedule

Escape From Tarkov wipe schedule
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If looking at the number of days between each Escape From Tarkov wipe (discounting the first wipe), there is an average time of 151 days between each wipe. However, this is skewed down slightly due to some of the earlier Escape From Tarkov wipes, and has been trending more towards 200 days as of late.

In essence, there are usually two wipes per calendar year, with one roughly in the Winter and one in the Summer. There is speculation that when the game reaches its full release there will be no more wipes, but as it is still in beta the wipes will remain for the foreseeable future.

When Is The Next Escape From Tarkov Wipe Date?

Escape From Tarkov wipe date
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With the recent wipe that arrived with patch 0.12.13 on December 28, 2022, it is likely to be at least another six months before the next significant patch - if not even longer. Current trends would predict the next Escape From Tarkov wipe to be around mid June, but some factors could push this back further.

Many players have speculated that patch 0.12.13 was pushed live early due to the fixed date of the Escape From Tarkov Twitch drops, as there are quite a few notable unfinished aspects of the update. Most players unanimously agree that the new audio is not ready - especially on maps like Interchange and Reserve, and despite lining up with the obtuse design philosophy, it is clear that the Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper is unfinished.

These aspects could mean that the next wipe is pushed back even further than usual, as Battlestate Games work to finish off these features while also introducing new ones. Furthermore, while Streets of Tarkov has finally made it to the game, it is allegedly only part of the map, so development time for that could delay the next wipe further.

So, that wraps it up for all the information you’ll need about the Escape From Tarkov wipe date and schedule. If you’re coming into the game fresh with the new wipe, make sure to check out our extensive Escape From Tarkov beginner's guide, as that will clear a lot of the inevitable confusion when you start the game.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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