Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper: How to Access & Find

Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper: How to Access & Find
Images via Battlestate Games

Written by 

Harry Boulton


4th Jan 2023 16:53

The Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper is a new addition that has arrived with patch 0.13, and it is the first time an NPC or Trader has made their way into a raid. However, as things always are in Escape From Tarkov, there is a lot of mystery and confusion shrouding the Lightkeeper, making it incredibly difficult for most players to actually access him.

So, to find out what you need to do in order to find the Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper, make sure to carry on reading down below.

Where to Find the Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper

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The Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper can predictably be found within the Lighthouse on the peninsula island of the Lighthouse map. Heading up to the third floor you will find a shuttered door that has an electronic lock to the left. Bypassing that lock and moving through the shutters will take you to the room that houses the Lightkeeper.

However, it gets a bit more complicated than that, as it has become near impossible to actually reach the peninsula island due to explosives on the bridge. Before the most recent patch you could just head right over, but since the wipe there have been countless claymore explosives installed across the bridge that will almost definitely send you right back to your stash.

Beyond this, the new scav boss Zryachiy or 'Antler Man' is waiting for you on the other side with a thermal AXMC, just waiting to one tap snipe you. There have been a few discoveries that will allow you to get across the bridge though, so have a read on to find out.

How to Cross the Lighthouse Bridge in Escape From Tarkov

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The only way that most players are able to cross the Lighthouse bridge in Escape From Tarkov is by following a set route, as the mines spawn in the exact same place every time. Tarkov content creator DeadlySlob managed to successfully make it all the way across the bridge - albeit with a lot of healing and stims - and expert map maker RE3MR has managed to plot out the location of every mine for you to use too.

However, at this current time there is no way to actually get past the aforementioned locked shuttered door inside of the Lighthouse, as Battlestate Games have since patched the method that was used quickly after it was discovered, indicating that perhaps the Lightkeeper isn't quite ready.

The method in question made use of the newly added Digital secure DSP radio transmitted, which once encoded prevented any of the mines from detonating, and also unlocked the shuttered door. This, however, does not work anymore, so we will have to wait and see what new solution arises in the future.

Escape From Tarkov: How to Get the Digital Secure DSP Radio Transmitter

If it is needed in the future though, the only way some players have been able to get their hands on the Digital secure DSP radio transmitter is by failing the Bullshit quest from Skier. As this is a high-level quest, only a handful of players managed to reach it in the early days of the new wipe to get access to the special item.

With the bug fix though, players will now no longer receive the transmitter, with Skier now remarking "What the hell is 'transmitter'? Get out!" when you fail the quest. It seems as if we will just have to wait and see as to how the Lightkeeper will work later on in the Escape From Tarkov wipe timeline.

As shown by Trey24k - who was one of the limited few able to get through to the Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper - he has a full cutscene where you can engage in a fairly long conversion. You can discuss who he is, and wanting to escape from Tarkov, but there is currently nothing beyond that. At the end of the conversation he states that 'the time will eventually come' when work is available from him, so hopefully we should be able to pick up some tasks soon.

That concludes everything we currently know about the Escape From Tarkov Lightkeeper though, but hopefully we will be able to learn and experience more in the near future. If you need some help upping your Lighthouse FPS and visibility though, make sure to have a read of this Escape From Tarkov best settings guide.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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