Elden Ring Godfrey Boss Fight: How To Beat Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Elden Ring Godfrey Boss Fight: How To Beat Godfrey, First Elden Lord
Images via Bandai Namco

Written by 

Dave McAdam


7th Apr 2022 15:33

The Elden Ring Godfrey boss fight is the final stop on your way to Morgott, The Omen King. Elden Ring likes to challenge players with a slightly easier boss on the way to the real deal, and fighting Godfrey is one of those situations. Godfrey is no slouch, but don’t be scared off by his imposing title. This is merely a shade of the First Elden Lord, and we have all the tips you need to beat the Elden Ring Godfrey boss fight.

  • If you're this far through Elden Ring and you're just not sure about your current stats, you can change them whenever you want. To learn more, check out how to respec your character with Elden Ring Larval Tears.

Elden Ring Godfrey Boss Fight: How To Get To The First Elden Lord

Elden Ring Godfrey: How to get to Godfrey
Click to enlarge

As said, Godfrey is found along the way to Morgott and is in fact required to beat in order to progress through the game. He is found in Leyndell in the upper part of the city. While exploring the city, you will eventually start making your way up through the city. You can use the wing of the giant dead dragon to get up on the castle ramparts, then use the massive roots and branches to climb higher. Keep moving onwards and upwards and you are bound to run into Godfrey.

The room Godfrey is in is called the Erdtree Sanctuary, but unfortunately, you are not going to get much warning once you get there. You enter this room from the balcony, which you get to via a tree branch. As soon as you enter the room Godfrey will appear in the middle of the room, and the fight is on.


  • There are plenty of ways to take down bosses like Godfrey, but if you really want to completely delete them from the game you want the Elden Ring Comet Azur spell.

Elden Ring Godfrey Boss Fight: How To Defeat Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Elden Ring Godfrey: How to defeat Godfrey
Click to enlarge

You might be a bit intimidated when a guy called the First Elden Lord appears in front of you and starts swinging a gigantic axe, and that’s a fair reaction. He is a big lad but by no means the most imposing figure you will face in Elden Ring. His attacks are mostly just swings of his axe, and he can pull off some fairly long combos with it. His attacks are slow, he isn’t swinging for the fences, so keep your distance and you should have no problem spotting some openings.

The only other attack he uses is a ground slam. When he slams his foot into the ground, a shockwave will erupt from the ground in a cone in front of him. This can be difficult to dodge, as he tends to use this as a follow up to his other attacks. With a good shield you can block it, but you will need plenty of stamina to power through. That is largely true for everything Godfrey does, he hits slowly but does a lot of damage. His attacks can be blocked with a shield but you will need to be a mountain of endurance to tank it.

Strategies to beat the Elden Ring Godfrey boss fight are pretty straightforward. He telegraphs all of his attacks so it is pretty easy for any kind of character to avoid them. This is a good fight for strength builds, as he can be beaten in a back and forth fight. Also, as he is quite slow and doesn’t cover much ground, mages can pepper him with spells from a distance to bring him down. Using Spirit Ashes is a very good idea to keep Godfrey busy, and help you avoid his attacks. Consistent damage will stagger him, and he can be hit with a riposte for a big chunk of damage.

That is everything you need to know to take on the Elden Ring Godfrey, First Elden Lord boss fight. When you are done with him, Morgott awaits. For tips on how to defeat him, check out our guide on how to conquer the Elden Ring Morgott boss fight.


Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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