Elden Ring Colosseum Locations

Elden Ring Colosseum Locations
Images via FromSoftware

Written by 

Harry Boulton


7th Dec 2022 10:45

With the new update release, many players will be trying to find all of the Elden Ring colosseum locations to make use of the new PvP combat arenas. While you have obviously been able to engage in PvP in Elden Ring since its release earlier this year, the various colosseums dotted across the Lands Between give a dedicated space for those wanting to prove that they're the one true champion. So, if you're wanting to find all of the Elden Ring colosseum locations, make sure to carry on reading down below.

Elden Ring Colosseum Locations

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If you've explored every corner of the Lands Between in Elden Ring you might have already stumbled upon a few colosseum-looking buildings. However, these were previously inaccessible, and left many players wondering what was planned for the future, or if it was another sixth Archstone situation.

However, with the new Elden Ring Colosseum update, these structures finally have a use, and are perfect for any fierce and personal disputes you have to resolve. Rust 1v1s can finally be retired now, as now arguments can be settled in the Lands Between.

So, to see all of the current Elden Ring colosseum locations, check out the list below:

Limgrave Colosseum

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This is the first and easiest colosseum to encounter, as it can be accessed straight away from the start of the game. On the northern shore of Limgrave, right in the middle of Stormveil and the Limgrave Divine Tower you can find the Limgrave Colosseum.

You will need to defeat the red phantom Recusant Henricus that spawns outside of the doors, but once you've done that you can head straight inside and use the facilities.

Caelid Colosseum

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Getting to the Caelid Colosseum is a bit trickier than you might think, as it is entirely inaccessible from Caelid itself. You will first need to head down the Siofra Well in Mistwood, and then head all the way through Siofra River until you reach the elevator at the end that requires two Stonesword Keys to use. 

Once you've used the elevator, you'll want to head right, past all of the explosive ball enemies and the bow-wielding stone giants, until you reach the humungous Soldjar. While you can engage with the three red phantoms that can spawn outside of here, you don't actually need to fight them. 

Instead, just head around the back of the giant Soldjar, and use the door to get into the Caelid Colosseum.

Royal Colosseum

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The final colosseum available in Elden Ring right now is the Royal Colosseum in Leyndell. If you've progressed the Goldmask quest enough to get him to appear in the Royal Capital, then you will already know where this can be found.

If you are unsure though, you will need to progress through Leyndell until you reach the shade of a rather illustrious figure, and then use the Erdtree vines growing outside of this room to jump down onto the hill where the colosseum resides to the west.

There are two Duelists - in appropriate colosseum armour - that you will need to fight on the way up, but you can head straight in once you reach the top to start your battles.

So, that's all of the Elden Ring colosseum locations that you can find in the game right now, so you can begin fighting and climbing the ladders to become the one true champion of combat. If you're wanting to know where all of the Elden Ring Golden Seeds are to maximise your survivability, make sure to follow our guide for all the details. 

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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