Elden Ring Age Of Fracture Ending: How To Get The Age Of Fracture

Elden Ring Age Of Fracture Ending: How To Get The Age Of Fracture
Images via FromSoftware

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


4th Jan 2023 10:10

The Elden Ring Age of Fracture ending is seen as the default ending as you just need to complete the main story without doing any side quests, causing you to become the new Elden Lord. Age of Fracture is the easiest ending to get in Elden Ring, as the rest require specific criteria and make huge changes to the Lands Between. So, if you need to know the process for getting the Elden Ring Age of Fracture ending, read our breakdown below. 

For information on how to get the other endings, check out:

Elden Ring Age Of Fracture Ending: How To Usher In The Age Of Fracture

Elden Ring Age Of Fracture Ending
Click to enlarge

The Age of Fracture ending is the easiest one to get, as it just requires you to reach the ending of the game. Unlike the other ones - which require you to complete quests or grab alternate key items for use at the end - you can just mainline the story to get this one. Once you get to the final part of the game and defeat the Elden Beast, you will be transported back into an arena with the fractured corpse of Marika in front of you. 

From here, you just need to interact with Marika and then select the option to "Mend the Elden Ring." This will begin the cutscene leading to the Age of Fracture ending, where you become the new Elden Lord. For a full explanation of this and the other endings, check our Elden Ring endings guide. 

That's all for our walkthrough of how to get the Elden Ring Age of Fracture ending, and now you know what option to select when interacting with Marika at the end. 

Still need to get some of the collectibles for achievements? Check out where all the Elden Ring Legendary Talismans are located.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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