Call Of Duty Warzone Legacy Explained

Call Of Duty Warzone Legacy Explained
Images via Activision

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


8th Nov 2022 15:41

Ever wondered what your lifetime Warzone stats are? Now you can find out with Call of Duty Warzone Legacy, which is an official website from Activision that lets you input your username to see a video breakdown of all your stats. Warzone has a breath of fresh air for the COD series and one of the biggest battle royale games in the world, but it's set to end soon as Warzone 2 is being released. So before diving into the sequel, check out our explainer of Call of Duty Warzone Legacy. 

Call Of Duty Warzone Legacy Explained

Call Of Duty Warzone Legacy Explained
Click to enlarge

To see your Warzone lifetime statistics, you will need to go to the website called My Warzone Legacy (we've also linked it for you). On the main page, it will tell you to redeem your own personalised video by entering your Activision ID into the text box. Once you do this with a valid account, it will load up a video breakdown of various stats. 

The video is just under two minutes and shows lots of scenes of Warzone gameplay, spliced with different stats. In total, the video covers your first-ever drop, most used weapon, most deployed operator, your gulag statistics, and your best squad mates. It also ends with a Veteran Action Report, which is a breakdown of your lifetime kills, deaths, ratio, matches played, and hours played.  

Below the video, you can download it or share it directly to different social media sites if you want others to see your breakdown. You can also directly download the Veteran Action Report as a handy .jpeg for easy access to your stats. 

That's all for our explainer of the Call of Duty Warzone Legacy site, and now you know how to find out your lifetime Warzone stats.

You may also want to know, will COD points and cosmetics transfer to MW2 and Warzone 2?

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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